
playing with puppet, I have ended up in a nested dictionary/hash - which looks more or less like

$settings =
  "var1" => 
    "ip" => "",
    "port" => "1234",
    "option" => ["foo", "bar"],
    "machines" =>
      "maschine-1" => { "ip" => "", "port" => "1234"},
      "maschine-2" => { "ip" => "", "port" => "1235"},

however, I have not managed to parse properly it in the correspondig erb template.

<% @settings.each_pair do |settings_key, settings_value_hash| %>
<%= settings_value_hash['ip']%>:<%= settings_value_hash['port'] %>

option <% @settings_value_hash['option'].each do |option| -%> <%= option  %>   <% end -%>

<% @{settings_value_hash['machines']}.each_pair do |machine_key, machine_value_hash| %>
  server <%= machine_key %>  <%= machine_value_hash['ip'] %>:<%= machine_value_hash['port'] %>
<% end %>   

Thus, I can get the values in my top dictionary without problems, i.e., "ip" and "port",

However, puppet throws me compile errors, when I try to get to the array "option" or the dict "machines" within the top dict.

My guess at the moment is, that arrays and dicts/hashes are not "hashable" in Ruby/Puppet, or?

Cheers and thanks for ideas, Thomas

Foi útil?


Not sure what you are doing but there a few glaring issues like @settings_value_hash is not defined it would be settings_value_hash piped variable not instance variable. @{settings_value_hash['machines']} is in correct as well what happens if you run this

<% @settings.each do |settings_key, settings_value_hash| %>
  <%= "#{settings_value_hash['ip']}:#{settings_value_hash['port']}" %>
  <% settings_value_hash['option'].each do |option| %> 
    <%= option  %>   
  <% end %>
  <% settings_value_hash['machines'].each do |machine_key, machine_value_hash| %>
    server <%= "#{machine_key} #{machine_value_hash['ip']}:#{machine_value_hash['port']}" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>   

Also why is your initial hash set to a global $settings but you are accessing it through an instance variable @settings.

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