
When I loop through my object everything works and I can render all instances of it to the page. The problem is that I want to be able to select a specific object key whereby every object that has that key renders its corresponding value to the page.

My code is below with a more clear explanation

Mongoose.js schema

var synthSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    patchName: String,
    synths: Object,


var SynthObject = mongoose.model('Synth', synthSchema);

Node.js / Express code

var synthPatch = new SynthObject({})

synthPatch.synths = [{
        synth_name: "blah blah",
        xpos: 12,
        ypos: 23

        synth_name: "more blah blah",
        xpos: 02,
        ypos: 238

] (err, ok) {
  if (err) return console.error(err);


app.get('/returnedData', function(req, res){
  SynthObject.find({}, function (err, docs) {
    res.render('returnedData', {
      title: 'Tasks index view',
      docs: docs



      each synth in docs
          td #{synth}


The above code outputs ( from MongoDB)

{ synths: [ 

    { synth_name: 'blah blah', xpos: 12, ypos: 23 }, 
    { synth_name: 'more blah blah', xpos: 2, ypos: 238 } 


 _id: 5352c4c46f5127d40e7ba8ec, __v: 0 


Ok so far so good. The above code is just what I wanted, so lets loop through it and get keys and values

JADE code

   each synthObject in docs
          each value, key in synthObject.synths
              each v, k in value
                  td #{k} #{v} 

Perfect...this outputs the following

ypos 23 xpos 12 synth_name 'blah blah'
ypos 238    xpos 2  synth_name  'more blah blah'

However, now I run into my problem which is I want to select something like all of the synth_name from every object and output all of the synth_name values. I've tried a bunch of things but can't get it to work.

Foi útil?

Solução 2

This seems to work.....for now

each synthObject in docs
      each item in synthObject.synths
              li #{item.synth_name} #{item.xpos} #{item.ypos}

Outras dicas

I've tested it on:

It works? Only difference i did was using 'docs' instead of 'synths' of given mongo data.

Jade Input

each synth in docs
    td #{synth.synth_name}


{ docs: [ 

    { synth_name: 'blah blah', xpos: 12, ypos: 23 }, 
    { synth_name: 'more blah blah', xpos: 2, ypos: 238 } 


 _id: "5352c4c46f5127d40e7ba8ec", __v: 0 


results in:

<table class="table">
  <td>blah blah</td>
  <td>more blah blah</td>
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