
graph={ 0:[1,3,4], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,6], 3:[0,4,6], 4:[0,1,3,5], 5:[4], 6:[2,3] }

def bfs(graph, start, path=[]):
    queue = [start]
    while queue:
        vertex = queue.pop(0)
        if vertex not in path:
            queue.extend(graph[vertex] - path)
    return path

print bfs(graph, 0)

Guys! Can someone help me with this bfs code? I can't understand how to solve this queue line.

Foi útil?


To extend your queue with all nodes not yet seen on the path, use set operations:


or use a generator expression:

queue.extend(node for node in graph[vertex] if node not in path)

Lists don't support subtraction.

You don't really need to filter the nodes, however, your code would work with a simple:


as the if vertex not in path: test also guards against re-visiting nodes.

You should not use a list as default argument, see "Least Astonishment" and the Mutable Default Argument; you don't need a default argument here at all:

def bfs(graph, start):
    path = []


>>> graph={ 0:[1,3,4], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,6], 3:[0,4,6], 4:[0,1,3,5], 5:[4], 6:[2,3] }
>>> def bfs(graph, start):
...     path = []
...     queue = [start]
...     while queue:
...         vertex = queue.pop(0)
...         if vertex not in path:
...             path.append(vertex)
...             queue.extend(graph[vertex])
...     return path
>>> print bfs(graph, 0)
[0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5]

Outras dicas

queue.extend(graph[vertex] - path)

This line is giving TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'list' and 'list', because you are not allowed to subtract two lists. You could convert them to a different collection that does support differences. For example:

graph={ 0:[1,3,4], 1:[0,2,4], 2:[1,6], 3:[0,4,6], 4:[0,1,3,5], 5:[4], 6:[2,3] }

def bfs(graph, start, path=[]):
    queue = [start]
    while queue:
        vertex = queue.pop(0)
        if vertex not in path:
            queue.extend(set(graph[vertex]) - set(path))
    return path

print bfs(graph, 0)


[0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5]

By the way, it may be good to modify the argument list so that you don't have a mutable list as a default:

def bfs(graph, start, path=None):
    if path == None: path = []

Bug is that there is no list difference method. Either you can convert it to set and use set difference method or you can use list comprehension as

queue.extend(graph[vertex] - path)

can be replaced by

queue += [i for i in graph[vertex] if i not in path].



graph = {
    'A' : ['B' , 'C','D'],
    'B' : ['E'],
    'C' : ['F'],
    'D' : ['G'],
    'E' : [],
    'F' : ['Z'],
    'G' : [],
    'Z' : [],

visited = [] #Store visted nodes
queue = [] #BFS uses queue structure so this varible will work like QUEUE ( LIFO)
final_result = [] 

def bfs(visited,graph,node):
    while queue:
        s = queue.pop(0)
        print(s,end=" ")
        for neighbour in graph[s]:
            if neighbour not in visited:

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