
I was searching on the internet but without any conclusion. I don´t know how to open file, find word open and then go one line under line with open and print the line. Here is my code, but i think it´s totally wrong:

    def wstart(self, event):
    pnfl ="Save/savegame.txt", "r")
    txtline = pnfl.readline()
    while txtline <> "open":
        txtline = pnfl.readline()
    txtline = pnfl.readline()
    print txtline

Please help somebody i really don´t know how to fix it!

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This is one way to open and read a file:

with open("your.txt",'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        if "open" in line:
            print # print the line after the line with open in it
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