
I have a python script that continuously stores tweets related to tracked keywords to a file. However, the script tends to crash repeatedly due to an error appended below. How do I edit the script so that it automatically restarts? I've seen numerous solutions including this (Restarting a program after exception) but I'm not sure how to implement it in my script.

import sys
import tweepy
import json
import os

access_key = ""
access_secret = ""

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
# directory that you want to save the json file
# name of json file you want to create/open and append json to
save_file = open("12may.json", 'a')

class CustomStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    def __init__(self, api):
        self.api = api
        super(tweepy.StreamListener, self).__init__()

        # self.list_of_tweets = []

    def on_data(self, tweet):
        print tweet

    def on_error(self, status_code):
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Encountered error with status code:', status_code
        return True # Don't kill the stream
        print "Stream restarted"

    def on_timeout(self):
        print >> sys.stderr, 'Timeout...'
        return True # Don't kill the stream
        print "Stream restarted"

sapi = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(api))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\", line 41, in <module>
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\tweepy-2.3-py2.7.egg\tweepy\", line 316, in filter
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\tweepy-2.3-py2.7.egg\tweepy\", line 235, in _start
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\tweepy-2.3-py2.7.egg\tweepy\", line 165, in _run
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\tweepy-2.3-py2.7.egg\tweepy\", line 206, in _read_loop
    for c in resp.iter_content():
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests-1.2.3-py2.7.egg\requests\", line 541, in generate
    chunk =, decode_content=True)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests-1.2.3-py2.7.egg\requests\packages\urllib3\", line 171, in read
    data =
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 543, in read
    return self._read_chunked(amt)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 603, in _read_chunked
  File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 660, in _safe_read
    raise IncompleteRead(''.join(s), amt)
IncompleteRead: IncompleteRead(0 bytes read, 1 more expected)
Foi útil?


Figured out how to incorporate the while/try loop by writing a new function for the stream:

def start_stream():
    while True:
            sapi = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(api))
            sapi.filter(track=["Samsung", "s4", "s5", "note" "3", "HTC", "Sony", "Xperia", "Blackberry", "q5", "q10", "z10", "Nokia", "Lumia", "Nexus", "LG", "Huawei", "Motorola"])


I tested the auto restart by manually interrupting the program with CMD + C. Nonetheless, happy to hear of better ways to test such functionality.

Outras dicas

I had this problem occurring recently and wanted to share more detailed information about it.

The error that's causing it is because the streaming filter that's chosen is too broad test. Therefore you receive streams at a faster rate than you can accept which causes an IncompleRead error.

This can be fixed by either refining the search or by using a more specific exception:

from http.client import IncompleteRead
    sapi = tweepy.streaming.Stream(auth, CustomStreamListener(api))
except IncompleRead:

It's better to use recursive call instead of infinite while loop. Take a look at filter function below. e.g.

from tweepy import Stream
from service.twitter.listener.tweety_listener import TweetyStreamDataListener
from settings import twitter_config

class Tweety(object):
    def __init__(self, listener=TweetyStreamDataListener()):
        self.listener = listener
        self.__auth__ = None

    def __authenticate__(self):
        from tweepy import OAuthHandler
        if self.__auth__ is None:
            self.__auth__ = OAuthHandler(twitter_config['consumer_key'], twitter_config['consumer_secret'])
            self.__auth__.set_access_token(twitter_config['access_token'], twitter_config['access_token_secret'])
        return self.__auth__ is not None

    def __streamer__(self):
        is_authenticated = self.__authenticate__()
        if is_authenticated:
            return Stream(self.__auth__, self.listener)
        return None

    def filter(self, keywords=None, async=True):
        streamer = self.__streamer__()
            print "[STREAM] Started steam"
            streamer.filter(track=keywords, async=async)
        except Exception as ex:
            print "[STREAM] Stream stopped! Reconnecting to twitter stream"
            print ex.message, ex.args
            self.filter(keywords=keywords, async=async)

One option would be to try the module multiprocessing. I would argue for two reasons.

  1. Ability to run the process for a set period of time without having to "kill" the whole script/process.
  2. You can place it in a for loop, and have it just start over whenever it dies or you choose to kill it.

I have taken a different approach entirely, but that is partly because I am saving my tweets at regular(or supposedly regular) intervals. @ Eugeune Yan, I think the try except is a simple and elegant way to deal with the problem. Although, and hopefully someone will have a comment on this; you don't really know when or if it failed with that method, but idk if that really matters(and it would be easy to write a few lines to make that happen).

import tiipWriter #Twitter & Textfile writer I wrote with Tweepy.
from add import ThatGuy # utility to supply log file names that won't overwrite old ones.
import multiprocessing

if __name__ == '__main__':
        #number of time increments script needs to run        
        n = 60
        dir = "C:\\Temp\\stufffolder\\twiitlog"
        list = []
        print "preloading logs"
        ThatGuy(n,dir,list) #Finds any existing logs in the folder and one-ups it

        for a in list:
            print "Collecting Tweets....."
            # this is my twitter/textfile writer process
            p = multiprocessing.Process(target=tiipWriter.tiipWriter,args = (a,)) 
            p.join(1800) # num of seconds the process will run
            if p.is_alive():
                print " \n Saving Twitter Stream log   @  " + str(a)
            a = open(a,'r')
            if a.closed == True:
                print "File successfully closed"
            else: a.close()
            print "jamaica" #cuz why not

I have written a 2 process streaming using tweepy. It downloads, compresses and dumps the data into files which are rotated every hour. The program is restarted every hour and it can check the streaming process periodically to see if any new tweet is downloaded or not. If not it restarts the whole system.

The code can be found here. Note that for compression it uses pipes. In case compression is not needed modifying the source is easy.

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