
I am stuck in this problem. I am creating a Windows Phone application. Here is the code.

private async void btn_signup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    obj = new ServiceReference2.Service1Client();

    if (!txt_id.Text.Equals("") && !txt_name.Text.Equals("") && !txt_password.Equals(""))
        user r = new user();
        r.ID = txt_id.Text;
        r.FULLNAME = txt_name.Text;
        r.PASSWORD = txt_password.Text;
        var g = await obj.GetDataAsync(r);
        string message = g;

        if (message.Equals("done"))
            lbl_show.Text = "you have signed up !! Hurrah";
            NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/mainmenu.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
            lbl_show.Text = " Please fill all the field.Enter again";

I am getting this error "cannot await void". I am using WCF service to access the db. Please guide me with the appropriate solution.

Foi útil?


GetDataAsync is not a TAP method; it is an EAP method.

Try to re-create the WCF proxy and tell it to create TAP asynchronous methods. If Visual Studio doesn't give you that option, then see if the proxy has Begin*/End* methods that you can wrap into a TAP method.

If nothing else, you can wrap the EAP method/event into a TAP method.

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