
I have a column in a table dedicated to comments. I need for when the cell is clicked, a popup appears allowing users to add comments. Inside the cell will be existing comments and a way to remove them. When you click to remove a comment, you should not then see the popup.

I tried:

});   //was hoping this would mean if td is clicked, and clicked area is not a div

Foi útil?


You can use e.stopPropagation() on div to prevent .click() event bubble up the DOM tree:


Updated Fiddle

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You can do this

    if( !$('div') ) {
    } else {

If the clicked element is not a div, show the popup. You can actually delete the div click handler using this

You can add an event to click on a column by using hierarchical selectors provided by jQuery.

$('#table td:eq(index)').click(function(){

PS: index is a number depending on which you want click to be associated.

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