
Pesquisei muito (pelo menos creio que sim) e não encontrei resposta para o meu problema, por isso gostaria de lhe pedir ajuda. Estou tentando determinar quando um usuário clica com o botão direito em uma linha em meu treeView (lista de usuários) e, em seguida, mostra uma janela pop-up com opções para editá-los e excluí-los.

Esta é a aparência do meu aplicativo até agora

Este é o código que gera o treeView:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import System.Glib.Signals (on)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView as New
import SzuDB

data GUI = GUI {
                mainWindow :: Window,
                dodajUczBt :: Button,
                cancelAddUczBt :: Button,
                zapiszUczBtn :: Button,
                listaUczView :: TreeView,
                -- Dialogi
                dodajUzDialog :: Dialog,
                -- Entry
                nImie :: Entry,
                nNazwisko :: Entry,
                nWiek :: SpinButton,
                lblLiczbaUcz :: Label


-- Różne listy

data ListStores = ListStores { uczestnicy :: ListStore Uczestnik }

main = do

        dbh <- connect "szu.db"

        gui <- loadGlade "" dbh

        -- lapiemy uzytkownikow
        uczestnicy <- getAllUsers dbh

        labelSetText (lblLiczbaUcz gui) $ "Liczba uczestników: "++ show (length uczestnicy)

        listaUczestnikow <- New.listStoreNew uczestnicy
        New.treeViewSetModel (listaUczView gui) listaUczestnikow
        wyswietlUczestnikow (listaUczView gui) listaUczestnikow

        let liststore = ListStores $ listaUczestnikow

        loadGUIEvents gui dbh liststore

        widgetShowAll (mainWindow gui)

--      loadGlade etc.

wyswietlUczestnikow view uczestnik = do
      New.treeViewSetHeadersVisible view True

      -- add a couple columns
      renderer1 <- New.cellRendererTextNew
      col1 <- New.treeViewColumnNew
      New.treeViewColumnPackStart col1 renderer1 True
      New.cellLayoutSetAttributes col1 renderer1 uczestnik $ \row -> [ New.cellText := imie row ]
      New.treeViewColumnSetTitle col1 "Imię"
      New.treeViewAppendColumn view col1

      renderer2 <- New.cellRendererTextNew
      col2 <- New.treeViewColumnNew
      New.treeViewColumnPackStart col2 renderer2 True
      New.cellLayoutSetAttributes col2 renderer2 uczestnik $ \row -> [ New.cellText := nazwisko row ]
      New.treeViewColumnSetTitle col2 "Nazwisko"
      New.treeViewAppendColumn view col2

      renderer3 <- New.cellRendererTextNew
      col3 <- New.treeViewColumnNew
      New.treeViewColumnPackStart col3 renderer3 True
      New.cellLayoutSetAttributes col3 renderer3 uczestnik $ \row -> [ New.cellText := show (wiek row) ]
      New.treeViewColumnSetTitle col3 "Wiek"
      New.treeViewAppendColumn view col3

-- ladujemy wydarzenia

-- loadGuiEvents etc.

Já tentei usar o exemplo em mas resultou em erro de compilação (dizia que eventButton é usado com um argumento, mas não requer nenhum).

Qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada :) Saúde

Foi útil?


Ok, parece que serei o primeiro a encontrar uma resposta para minha própria pergunta :)

(1) Em primeiro lugar, o exemplo em /gtk2hs/chap7-2.html não funcionou para mim porque você tem duas funções eventButton em gtk2hs e precisa usar uma de Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events. Portanto, você deve adicionar no início do arquivo:

import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as Ev

e, em seguida, adicione o prefixo Ev. a eventButton, RightButton e eventSent. Vai funcionar agora :)

(2) Como responder a cliques com o botão direito na linha treeView:

Tendo resolvido o problema mencionado, me deparei com este exemplo, onde é mostrado como responder à seleção de uma linha em treeView. Então eu misturei essas duas soluções e cheguei a algo assim (a maior parte do código vem do exemplo do treeview com alguns de meus ajustes):

module Main where

 {- an example how to select from a list
   not satisfactory yet:
       - there should be a simpler way to render a simple list
       - i could not convert the model i got back to a list 
           from which to get the value

       - the interface offers a great number of functions 
           and it is very difficult to find which ones are 
           really needed for simple tasks

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.ModelView as Model
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as Ev

main :: IO ()
main = do
   initGUI       -- is start
   window <- windowNew

   list <- listStoreNew ["Vince", "Jhen", "Chris", "Sharon"]

   treeview <- Model.treeViewNewWithModel list
   Model.treeViewSetHeadersVisible treeview True

           -- there should be a simpler way to render a list as the following!
   col <- Model.treeViewColumnNew
   Model.treeViewColumnSetTitle col "colTitle"
   renderer <- Model.cellRendererTextNew
   Model.cellLayoutPackStart col renderer False
   Model.cellLayoutSetAttributes col renderer list
           $ \ind -> [Model.cellText := ind]
   Model.treeViewAppendColumn treeview col

   --tree <- Model.treeViewGetSelection treeview
   --Model.treeSelectionSetMode tree  SelectionSingle
   --Model.onSelectionChanged tree (oneSelection list tree)

   set window [ windowDefaultWidth := 100
               , windowDefaultHeight := 200
               , containerChild := treeview

   -- here comes the right-click popup       

   eda <- actionNew "EDA" "Edit" Nothing Nothing
   pra <- actionNew "PRA" "Process" Nothing Nothing
   rma <- actionNew "RMA" "Remove" Nothing Nothing
   saa <- actionNew "SAA" "Save" Nothing Nothing

   agr <- actionGroupNew "AGR1" 
   mapM_ (actionGroupAddAction agr) [eda,pra,rma,saa]

   uiman <- uiManagerNew
   uiManagerAddUiFromString uiman uiDecl
   uiManagerInsertActionGroup uiman agr 0

   maybePopup <- uiManagerGetWidget uiman "/ui/popup"
   let pop = case maybePopup of 
            (Just x) -> x
            Nothing -> error "Cannot get popup from string"

   onButtonPress treeview (\x -> if (Ev.eventButton x) == Ev.RightButton
                                 then do 
                               menuPopup (castToMenu pop) Nothing
                               return (Ev.eventSent x)
                                 else return (Ev.eventSent x))

   mapM_ (prAct treeview list) [eda,pra,rma,saa]    

   onDestroy window mainQuit
   widgetShowAll window
   return ()

uiDecl = "<ui> \
\          <popup>\
\            <menuitem action=\"EDA\" />\
\            <menuitem action=\"PRA\" />\
\            <menuitem action=\"RMA\" />\
\            <separator />\
\            <menuitem action=\"SAA\" />\
\          </popup>\
\        </ui>"   

-- Handle the right-click. You can write a function that'll respond to various 
-- actions, like for example: handleAction "EDA" = do something, etc.    

prAct treeview list a = onActionActivate a $ do 
        name <- actionGetName a
            -- getting the selected row

        tree <- Model.treeViewGetSelection treeview

        -- you can also use treeSelectionGetSelected to get the Iter object
            -- and then convert it to Int by using listStoreIterToIndex and so get
            -- the ListStore item at given index

          sel <- Model.treeSelectionGetSelectedRows tree
        let s = head  (head sel)
        v <- Model.listStoreGetValue list s
        putStrLn ("Action Name: " ++ name ++ " | Item: " ++ v)

Espero que seja útil para alguém :)


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