
Email Alerts, Blog /Forum updates, discussion subscriptions general programming/technology update emails that we often subscribe to.Do you actually read them ? or go direct to the source when you find time.

Often we might the mail of programmers filled with loads of unread subscription mail from technology they previously were following or worked on or things they wish to follow .Some or a majority of these mail just keep on piling up .

I personally have few updates that i wish i read but constantly avoid and keep of for latter and finally delete them in effort keep the in box clean. Few questions come to mind regarding this

  • Do you keep such mail in separate accounts?
  • Do you read all the mail you have subscribed to?
  • Do you ever unsubscribe to any such email if you aren't reading them?
  • How much do you really value these email.
  • Lastly do you keep your in box clean ?

wish to deal with this in a better way.

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