
I have a groupby in jupyter-notebook that takes ages to run and after 10 minutes of running it says 'kernel died...',

The groupby looks like this:

df1.groupby(['date', 'unit', 'company', 'city'])['col1',

All of the 'col' columns are float values. I am running everything locally. Any ideas?


The shape of df1 is:

(1360, 24)

Memory and dtypes:

dtypes: category(3), datetime64[ns](2), float64(17), int64(2)
memory usage: 266.9 KB

The unique size of city, date, company, unit:

len( = 789
len(df1.unit.unique()) = 76
len( = 205
len( = 237

I have 16GB of memory on MacBook Pro.


It works only if I have date and unit inside the groupby columns as the only 2 columns. If I add either a company or city, it doesn't work anymore, it keeps running indefinitely.

Nenhuma solução correta

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