
I'm looking for feedback on MVP and MVC patterns used as a framework to build a website. I've used both with a certain degrees of success and failure. Furthermore I've worked in places which have miserable implement MVP across the web, desktop and services layers. I've also seen a few terrible MVC implementations. One thing I've noticed is the MVP stuff-up appear terrible for maintenance or adding any new features compared to the MVC debacles.

MVP - Model View Presenter

"The View holds a reference to the Presenter. The Presenter is also reacting to events being triggered from the View, so its aware of the View its associated with. The Presenter updates the View based on the requested actions it performs on the Model, but the View is not Model aware."

MVVM pattern was designed to support WPF and Silverlight. It's similar to MVP, in the concept the view doesn't know about the model however its not MVP.

Nenhuma solução correta

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