
Eu tenho o seguinte problema:Eu tenho um Wintec WBT-202 dispositivo GPS que tem a capacidade de transmitir os dados de localização viver como NMEA dados através de USB.Dentro desta USB é apenas uma USB para serial ponte que é executado sob o Windows, utilizando o modelo de usbser.sys driver.

O meu problema é fazê-lo funcionar no Mac OS X.

O hardware o GPS USB mouse usa um Atmel AT91SAM7S256 chip, que também é responsável pela interface USB.

O problema em Mac OS X não há nada acontecendo.Não há nenhum personagem novo dispositivo criado em /dev para fazer este dispositivo acessível.

No Windows o driver padrão usbser.sys é usada.Existe apenas um .arquivo inf apontando o vendorID e códigodoproduto para este driver.A partir usando Snoopy Pro no Windows (USB cheirando software) eu sei que uma vez que o dispositivo é inicializado corretamente ele envia os dados como ASCII NMEA seqüências de caracteres, que é tudo o que eu quero.

Questão 1 Há um usbser.sys equivalente para Mac OS X?Se sim, poderia um sem kext ser usados para certificar-se de driver de correspondência ocorre corretamente?

Se isso não funcionar, gostaria de usar IOKit a partir do espaço de utilizador para enviar e receber mensagens para o dispositivo.Eu ainda tiver dúvidas de como isso funcionaria em detalhes, porque eu não compreendo plenamente da apple documentação.Se um dispositivo USB é conectado, o driver correspondente ocorre.o que acontece se nenhum driver for encontrado.

Questão 2 Poderia ser que, em seguida, alguns genérico USB driver é carregado para o que eu sou capaz de "falar" no kernel a partir do espaço de utilizador?Como eu sei que o driver é carregado?

Questão 3 Eu vi que havia um "começando com I/O Kit sessão do" WWDC08 existe uma maneira de ter acesso a esta sessão de vídeo?

Eu ter acrescentado alguns logs de USBProbe e I/o, do registro trecho.

Comentários sobre como eu poderia começar a qual documentação fornece um tutorial decente seria muito apreciada.

Eu olhei para Mac OS X Internos - Um Sistema de Internals por Amit Singh, da Apple documentação de "como começar com o I/O Kit", "I/O Kit Fundamentos Guia" USB e o privado amostra de dados.


USB Sonda

Full Speed device @ 8 (0xFD360000): .............................................   Communication device: "WINTEC WBT202 CDC"
    Port Information:   0x0019
           External Device
    Device Descriptor   
        Descriptor Version Number:   0x0200
        Device Class:   2   (Communication)
        Device Subclass:   0
        Device Protocol:   0
        Device MaxPacketSize:   8
        Device VendorID/ProductID:   0x03EB/0x6119   (Atmel Corporation)
        Device Version Number:   0x0100
        Number of Configurations:   1
        Manufacturer String:   0 (none)
        Product String:   1 "WINTEC WBT202 CDC"
        Serial Number String:   0 (none)
    Configuration Descriptor   
        Length (and contents):   67
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0000: 09 02 43 00 02 01 00 C0  32 09 04 00 00 01 02 02  
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0010: 00 00 05 24 00 10 01 05  24 01 01 00 04 24 02 02  
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0020: 05 24 06 00 01 07 05 83  03 40 00 0A 09 04 01 00  
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0030: 02 0A 00 00 00 07 05 01  02 40 00 00 07 05 82 02  
            Raw Descriptor (hex)    0040: 40 00 00 
        Number of Interfaces:   2
        Configuration Value:   1
        Attributes:   0xC0 (self-powered)
        MaxPower:   100 ma
        Interface #0 - Communications-Control   
            Alternate Setting   0
            Number of Endpoints   1
            Interface Class:   2   (Communications-Control)
            Interface Subclass;   2
            Interface Protocol:   0
            Comm Class Header Functional Descriptor   
                Raw Descriptor (hex)   0000: 05 24 00 10 01 
            Comm Class Call Management Functional Descriptor   
                Raw Descriptor (hex)   0000: 05 24 01 01 00 
            Comm Class Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor   
                Raw Descriptor (hex)   0000: 04 24 02 02 
            Comm Class Union Functional Descriptor   
                Raw Descriptor (hex)   0000: 05 24 06 00 01 
            Endpoint 0x83 - Interrupt Input   
                Address:   0x83  (IN)
                Attributes:   0x03  (Interrupt no synchronization data endpoint)
                Max Packet Size:   64
                Polling Interval:   10 ms
        Interface #1 - Communications-Data/Unknown Comm Class Model   
            Alternate Setting   0
            Number of Endpoints   2
            Interface Class:   10   (Communications-Data)
            Interface Subclass;   0   (Unknown Comm Class Model)
            Interface Protocol:   0
            Endpoint 0x01 - Bulk Output   
                Address:   0x01  (OUT)
                Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data endpoint)
                Max Packet Size:   64
                Polling Interval:   0 ms
            Endpoint 0x82 - Bulk Input   
                Address:   0x82  (IN)
                Attributes:   0x02  (Bulk no synchronization data endpoint)
                Max Packet Size:   64
                Polling Interval:   0 ms

IO de Registro

 8: WINTEC WBT202 CDC@fd360000  <class IOUSBDevice>
     AppleUSBCDC  <class AppleUSBCDC>
     IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface>
         AppleUSBCDCACMControl  <class AppleUSBCDCACMControl>
     IOUSBInterface@1  <class IOUSBInterface>
   bcdDevice   256 (0x100)
   bDeviceClass   2 (0x2)
   bDeviceProtocol   0 (0x0)
   bDeviceSubClass   0 (0x0)
   bMaxPacketSize0   8 (0x8)
   bNumConfigurations   1 (0x1)
   Bus Power Available   250 (0xfa)
   Device Speed   1 (0x1)
   idProduct   24857 (0x6119)
   idVendor   1003 (0x3eb)
   iManufacturer   0 (0x0)
       9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861   IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle
   IOGeneralInterest   IOCommand is not serializable
   IOUserClientClass   IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2
   iProduct   1 (0x1)
   iSerialNumber   0 (0x0)
   locationID   -46792704 (0xfd360000)
   Low Power Displayed   No
   non-removable   yes
   PortNum   6 (0x6)
   Requested Power   50 (0x32)
   sessionID   1167822359 (0x459b8e17459b8e17)
   USB Address   5 (0x5)
   USB Product Name   WINTEC WBT202 CDC

USB sonda sessão no dispositivo de anexar

   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ProcessStatusChanged found (0x      40) in statusChangedBitmap
   12.719 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(+) now (1)
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: port 6 obtained runLock
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: calling GetPortStatus for port 6
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::powerChangeDone - spawning _checkForActivePortsThread
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::FindControlBulkEndpoint (inactive) - linking to active list: 65997c0
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - Hub 0xfd300000 port 6 - Initial status(0x0101)/change(0x0001)
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - change 4 clearing feature 0x10.
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ClearPortFeature port/feature (60010) - clearing
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - status(0x0101) - change(0x0000) - before call to (4) handler function
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler - handling port 6 changes (101,0).
   12.719 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler port (6) - waiting 100 ms before asserting reset
   12.819 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler - port 6 - no existing device found on port
   12.820 [4]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler port 6 status(0101)/change(0000) - no error from GetPortStatus
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler - port 6 - device detected, calling AddDevice
   12.820 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(+) now (2)
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::DefaultConnectionChangeHandler - port 6 done, ending.
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - err (0) on return from  call to (4) handler function
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: calling GetPortStatus for port 6
   12.820 [5]   ***** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDevice - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - start
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - Hub 0xfd300000 port 6 - Initial status(0x0101)/change(0x0000)
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - err = 0 - done, releasing _runLock
   12.820 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(-) now (1)
   12.820 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::DecrementOutstandingIO(269), outstandingIO(0), _interruptReadPending(false) - rearming read
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::DecrementOutstandingIO(269) - spawning _checkForActivePortsThread
   12.820 [5]   ***** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDevice - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - bus 0x65ea000 - acquiring dev zero lock
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - about to obtain device zero lock
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - not already locked - obtaining
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - setting _devZeroLock to true
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]: Acquired Device Zero
   12.820 [5]   ***** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDevice - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - resetting port
   12.820 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::SetPortFeature port/feature (60004) - setting
   12.821 [5]   ***** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDevice - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - (err = 0) done - returning .
   12.821 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(-) now (0)
   12.879 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ProcessStatusChanged found (0x      40) in statusChangedBitmap
   12.879 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(+) now (1)
   12.879 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: port 6 obtained runLock
   12.879 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: delaying 100ms before first GetPortStatus after a reset of port 6
   12.879 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::powerChangeDone - spawning _checkForActivePortsThread
   12.979 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler: calling GetPortStatus for port 6
   12.979 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - Hub 0xfd300000 port 6 - Initial status(0x0103)/change(0x0010)
   12.979 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - change 1 clearing feature 0x14.
   12.979 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ClearPortFeature port/feature (60014) - clearing
   12.979 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - status(0x0103) - change(0x0000) - before call to (1) handler function
   12.979 [5]   ***** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - start - status(0x0103) change (0x0000)
   12.979 [5]   **1** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - delaying 10 ms
   12.989 [5]   **2** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - found full speed device
   12.989 [5]   **2** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - configuring dev zero
   12.989 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ConfigureDeviceZero, new method called with hub:3, port:6
   12.989 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::CreateDevice, high speed ancestor hub:3, port:6
   12.989 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::DoCreateEP, high speed ancestor hub:3, port:6
   12.989 [3]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::UIMCreateControlEndpoint(0, 0, 8, 1 @(3, 6))
   12.989 [5]   **3** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6 on hub at 0xfd300000 - getting dev zero desc
   12.990 [5]   **3** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6, using 8 for maxPacketSize
   12.992 [5]   **5** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6, Releasing DeviceZero after successful SetAddress to 5
   12.992 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::UIMDeleteEndpoint: unlinking async endpoint
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::UIMDeleteEndpoint: Deallocating 0x68bd700
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - about to release device zero lock
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - releasing lock
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::ProtectedDevZeroLock - wakeup done
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]:: Released Device Zero
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::CreateDevice, new method called with hub:3, port:6
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::CreateDevice, high speed ancestor hub:3, port:6
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::CreateDevice: addr=5, speed=full, power=500
   12.993 [5]   IOUSBDevice @ 5 (500mA available, full speed)
   12.993 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::DoCreateEP, high speed ancestor hub:3, port:6
   12.993 [3]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::UIMCreateControlEndpoint(5, 0, 8, 1 @(3, 6))
   12.993 [5]   IOUSBDevice[0xd335c00]::GetDeviceDescriptor (size 18)
   12.994 [5]   IOUSBDevice[0xd335c00]::GetStringDescriptor Got string descriptor 1, length 36, got 36
   12.994 [5]   **10** AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler -  port 6, at addr: 5, Successful
   12.994 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::GetPortInformation  for port[6]
   12.995 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::GetDeviceInformation  Hub device name is HubDevice at USB address 3
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6656800]::GetPortInformation  for port[3]
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - Port 6 of Hub at 0xfd300000 (USB Address: 5), calling registerService for device WINTEC WBT202 CDC
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::AddDeviceResetChangeHandler - port 6, err = 0, ALL DONE
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - err (0) on return from  call to (1) handler function
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHubPort[0x6807200]::PortStatusChangedHandler - port 6 - err = 0 - done, releasing _runLock
   12.995 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::ChangeRaisedPowerState(-) now (0)
   12.995 [3]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::DecrementOutstandingIO(274), outstandingIO(0), _interruptReadPending(false) - rearming read
   12.995 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::DecrementOutstandingIO(274) - spawning _checkForActivePortsThread
   12.999 [5]   Finding device driver for WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 69000, wildCard = 0
   12.999 [5]   Finding device driver for WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 106999, wildCard = 3
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::handleOpen - [0xdd78880] is not an IOUSBInterface
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::TakeGetConfigLock - calling through to ChangeGetConfigLock
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::ChangeGetConfigLock - setting _GETCONFIGLOCK to true
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::GetFullConfigurationDescriptor - Index (0) - getting first 4 bytes of config descriptor
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::GetConfigDescriptor (length: 4)
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::GetFullConfigurationDescriptor - Index (0) - getting full 67 bytes of config descriptor
   13.002 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::GetConfigDescriptor (length: 67)
   13.003 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::ReleaseGetConfigLock - calling through to ChangeGetConfigLock
   13.003 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::ChangeGetConfigLock - setting _GETCONFIGLOCK to false and calling commandWakeup
   13.503 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::TerminateInterfaces interfaceList 0 terminate: 1
   13.503 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::SetConfiguration to 1
   13.504 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::SetConfiguration  Found InterfaceDescription[0] = 0x68bc889
   13.504 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::SetConfiguration  Found InterfaceDescription[1] = 0x68bc8ac
   13.504 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::RegisterInterfaces interfaceArray 0x6de9b00
   13.504 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::RegisterInterfaces  matching to interface = 0x8261700
   13.553 [5]   Finding driver for interface #0 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 104999, wildCard = 5
   13.567 [5]   Finding driver for interface #0 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::DoCreateEP, high speed ancestor hub:3, port:6
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]: UIMCreateInterruptEndpoint endpoint does NOT exist (this is normal)
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::AllocateInterruptBandwidth - pED[0x68bd780] _speed(1)
   13.570 [3]   AppleUSBEHCITTInfo[0x682b400]::AllocatePeriodicBandwidth: pSPE[0x6f8ae40]
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCISplitPeriodicEndpoint[0x6f8ae40]::FindStartFrameAndStartTime - _FSBytesUsed (78)
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCISplitPeriodicEndpoint[0x6f8ae40]::FindStartFrameAndStartTime - using Start Time entry found - _startFrame(1) _startTime(36)
   13.570 [5]   AppleUSBEHCI[0x65ea000]::AllocateInterruptBandwidth - returning 0x0(success)
   13.571 [5]   AppleUSBHub[0x6805a00]::powerChangeDone - spawning _checkForActivePortsThread
   13.573 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::RegisterInterfaces  matching to interface = 0xd337700
   13.621 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 104999, wildCard = 5
   13.636 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.024 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.075 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 104999, wildCard = 5
   14.089 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.090 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.266 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.315 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 104999, wildCard = 5
   14.330 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.330 [5]   Finding driver for interface #1 of WINTEC WBT202 CDC, matching personality using, score: 50000, wildCard = 0
   14.334 [5]   WINTEC WBT202 CDC[0xd335c00]::SetConfiguration  returning success

EDITAR:acrescentado o trecho do arquivo de log do console.o aplicativo após a dispositivo de anexar

16.02.11 09:05:55   kernel  0        0 AppleUSBCDCACMControl: getFunctionalDescriptors - Descriptors are incorrect, checking...
16.02.11 09:05:55   kernel  0        1 AppleUSBCDCACMData: start - Find CDC driver for data interface failed
Foi útil?


A resposta que eu tenho de lançamento da Apple USB lista de discussão é que a Apple AppleUSBCDCACMData driver tem um erro impedindo de fazer o seu trabalho.I apresentou um erro da Apple radar e espero que eles vão corrigir isso em breve.

Outras dicas

Parece que o sistema do CDC driver está combinando corretamente, o que deve criar /dev/ttyusbmodem* IIRC, eu iria verificar os logs do sistema para mensagens de erro no caso de este não está a funcionar.

Se u é um Controlador USB programador, vc deve baixar o código-fonte para AppleUSBCDCDriver projeto, que contém AppleUSBCDCDriver.kext, AppleUSBCDCACMControl.kext, AppleUSBCDCACMData.kext, AppleUSBCDCECMControl.kext, AppleUSBCDCECMData.kext.

O que eu posso prometer é que, u definitivamente poderia resolver este problema por corrigir o código e construir o seu próprio motorista.(Lembre-se de alterar o driver de classe do nome.)

O que posso confirmar é que, a AppleUSBCDCDriver é projetado principalmente de acordo com o Padrão de Especificação de Classe de Dispositivo de Comunicação, e inclusive a análise pela Apple de Desenvolvimento da Equipe, e este problema não deve ser um bug.

No Mac OS, driver de correspondência é, principalmente, de acordo com a info.plist do motorista, apenas gosta .arquivo inf do Windows.

Existe uma solução para o erro mencionado na AppleUSBCDCACMData.Você precisa atribuir uma interface para o gerenciamento de chamadas descritor.Você tem que definir a 00.

Você mostra:

Comm Class Call Management Functional Descriptor
Raw Descriptor (hex) 0000: 05 24 01 01 00

Que falta e a atribuição.Usando o ATMEL USB bibliotecas, que seria parecido com este:

// Class-specific call management functional descriptor`
{ sizeof(CDCCallManagementDescriptor),
1 // <--needed for MacOS
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