
Estou tentando criar um fluxo de trabalho do SharePoint que cria um novo item em uma lista externa usando o "Create Item em [Nome da lista externa]" Ação disponível no SharePoint Designer.

Atualmente, continuo recebendo um erro que afirma "O fluxo de trabalho não pôde criar o item na fonte de dados externos. Verifique se o usuário tem permissões para acessar a fonte de dados externa e criar itens." O ID do usuário associado é a "conta do sistema" (SharePoint \ System).

De alguma pesquisa que fiz, fui levado a acreditar que o fluxo de trabalho usa a conta SP WebApp sempre que cria um novo item em uma lista externa. Conforme descrito em como autenticar o BDC para o sistema externo? concedeu permissões de permissões de objeto SP Webapp e Metadados no tipo de conteúdo externo e no sistema externo. Eu também concedi permissões na lista externa e no servidor SQL da lista externa. Isso não funcionou para mim, no entanto.

Em um ponto, alterei o SSS padrão do meu "aplicativo de serviço da Secure Store particionado" para um costume que eu criei. Isso funcionou, mas também quebrou alguns outros sistemas no SharePoint da minha organização, então eu tive que reverter para o SSS Particionado. Eu gostaria de criar um novo aplicativo alvo no SSS partioned, mas, devido ao particionamento, não posso fazer isso. Existe uma maneira de ter meu sistema externo usar o aplicativo de destino em meus SSs personalizados, mesmo que não seja mais o SSS padrão?

Existem outras soluções potenciais que eu possa estar com vista para?

Foi útil?


EDIT: I updated my solution because I found a more reliable way to fix the problem:

For anyone else that has this problem in the future, I figured out what the issues were.

With regards to the SHAREPOINT\system account, it turns out that is more or less an alias used by other accounts (usually service accounts) in SharePoint. In this case, it is the account used by my application pool. Reference: About SHAREPOINT\system - what account is it? how is it determined?.

The workflow appears to actually use whatever account the designated SSS or BDC is using. In my case, my "Partitioned Secure Store Service" that my SharePoint site was using by default was running the SP_serviceapps account. I determined this by launching my IIS Manager on my SharePoint server, and finding the appropriate SSS among the various application pools. The SP_serviceapps account was listed as the identity.

Due to running into some difficulties getting my SSS to work, I decided to instead use my BDC identity. In SharePoint Designer, I first determined the service account used by my custom Business Data Connectivity service (SP_serviceapps). Second, I gave both the Sp_serviceapps and SHAREPOINT/System accounts "Full Control", "Design", and "Contribute" permissions in my External List. This is probably overkill, but I wanted to be sure that they were allowed to access the External List. Further, they originally appeared to have "Full Control" permissions, but after clicking on "Edit User Permissions" for each, the resulting dialog box did not have any permissions checked. After this, I enabled RevertToSelf on my SharePoint server: BCS problem with AuthenticationMode and RevertToSelf. Last, I went to Central Admin -> Application Management -> Manage Service Application-> [Name of business data connectivity service] -> External Systems (from view in the ribbon) -> [External System Name] -> [External System Instance Name] -> Set Authentication Mode to "BDC Identity".

Last (and this was a dumb mistake on my part), I had an incorrectly mapped identifier in my External Content Type. I had mistakenly selected "VendorEmail" as the identifier when I meant to select "VendorName". Later, when I created my "Create Item" operation, I mapped "VendorName" to identifier without noticing that it was being mapped to the mistakenly-selected "VendorEmail" and not "VendorName". I fixed this problem by creating a new External Content Type that had the correct identifiers.

After this, my workflow successfully wrote to my External List.

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