
Eu instaladas para sempre e estou usando-o, achando muito engraçado.

Mas eu percebi que os registros são colocados para algum lugar.Existe alguma dicas?

Foi útil?


Para sempre assume o comando opções de linha de saída:

-l  LOGFILE      Logs the forever output to LOGFILE
-o  OUTFILE      Logs stdout from child script to OUTFILE
-e  ERRFILE      Logs stderr from child script to ERRFILE

Por exemplo:

forever start -o out.log -e err.log my-script.js

Ver aqui para mais informações

Outras dicas

Para sempre, por padrão, será colocar os logs em um arquivo aleatório em ~/.forever/ a pasta.

Você deve executar forever list para ver os processos e seus correspondentes arquivo de log.

Exemplo de saída

>>> forever list
info:    Forever processes running
data:        uid  command       script forever pid  logfile                         uptime
data:    [0] 6n71 /usr/bin/node app.js 2233    2239 /home/vagrant/.forever/6n71.log 0:0:0:1.590

No entanto, é provavelmente melhor para especificar com -l como mencionado por bryanmac.

Se você executar o comando "Forever Logs", poderá ver onde estão os arquivos de logs.


tente o comando

> forever logs


> sudo forever logs

você vai ter o arquivo de log do local

Isso funcionou para mim :

forever -a -o out.log -e err.log app.js

Need to do normal forever start script.js to start, and to check console/error logs use forever logs this will print list of all logs being stored by forever and then you can use tail -f /path/to/logs/file.log and this will print live logs to your window. hit ctrl+z to stop logs print.

It is a old question but i ran across the same issues. If you wanna see live output you can run

forever logs

This would show the path of the logs file as well as the number of the script. You can then use

forever logs 0 -f

0 should be replaced by the number of the script you wanna see the output for.

Help is your best saviour, there is a logs action that you can call to check logs for all running processes.

forever --help

Shows the commands

logs                Lists log files for all forever processes
logs <script|index> Tails the logs for <script|index>

Sample output of the above command, for three processes running. console.log output's are stored in these logs.

info:    Logs for running Forever processes
data:        script    logfile
data:    [0] server.js /root/.forever/79ao.log
data:    [1] server.js /root/.forever/ZcOk.log
data:    [2] server.js /root/.forever/L30K.log

You need to add the log destination specifiers before the filename to run. So

forever -e /path/error.txt -o /path/output.txt start index.js

Based on bryanmac's answer. I'm just saving all logs into one file and then reading it with tail. Simple, but effective way to do this.

forever -o common.log -e common.log index.js && tail -f common.log

By default forever places all of the files it needs into /$HOME/.forever. If you would like to change that location just set the FOREVER_ROOT environment variable when you are running forever:

FOREVER_ROOT=/etc/forever forever start index.js
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