
I have been working with project where client requires dynamic pricing to be displayed on each product depending up on customer region and customer type. The issue is when i enable full page cache that price block get cached for every customer and display same price for non logged in and logged in user.

I want to hole punch price.phtml file block but i am unable to find the exact name of same block.

I have tried searching solution everywhere but i haven't found any.

How can i hole punch price block with any full page caching mechanism.

Foi útil?


You should be able to find your answer here:

As others mentioned since this is a 3rd party module, most won't be able to offer much help.


Outras dicas

To enhance dynamic functionality in Magento 2 that bypasses the full page cache feature, I have written hole punch feature that may help you to see a working example. (see for more details

step 1: create a model that implements \Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface and implement the function getSectionData

class APIData implements SectionSourceInterface
    public function getSectionData()
        return [
            'result'=> $this->getMyCustomerDynamicData()

step 2: define in a frontend di.xml a section node for the model Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPool

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <type name="Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPool">
            <argument name="sectionSourceMap" xsi:type="array">
                <item name="dynamic-data" xsi:type="string">Mbs\PunchHole\CustomerData\DynamicData</item>

step 3: enable the node to be activated with an action (for instance checkout/cart/add

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <action name="checkout/cart/add">
        <section name="dynamic-data"/>

step 4: create a phtml template that will use your node

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
          "Magento_Ui/js/core/app": {
              "components": {
                  "dynamic-data": {

<div data-bind="scope: 'dynamic-data'">
    <div data-bind="text: showMyDynamicResult()"></div>

step 5: create a js file in view/frontend/web/js/jspart.js

define( [ 'uiComponent', 'Magento_Customer/js/customer-data' ], function (Component, customerData) { 'use strict';

    return Component.extend({
        data: function () {
            const v = customerData.get('dynamic-data');
            return v().result || 0;
        showMyDynamicResult: function () {
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