
Como posso declarar um unsigned short valor em java?

Foi útil?


Você não pode, realmente. Java não tem tipos de dados não assinados, exceto char.

É certo que você poderia usar char - É um tipo não assinado de 16 bits - mas isso seria horrível na minha opinião, como char é claramente destinado a ser para texto: quando o código usa char, Espero que esteja usando-o para unidades de código UTF-16 que representam texto interessante para o programa, não inteiros de 16 bits arbitrários sem assinatura, sem nenhum relacionamento com o texto.

Outras dicas

Se você realmente precisa de um valor com exatamente 16 bits:

Solução 1: Use o curto assinado e pare de se preocupar com o sinal, a menos que você precise fazer operações de comparação (<, <=,>,> =) ou divisão (/, %, >>). Ver esta resposta para como lidar com números assinados como se não fossem assinados.

Solução 2 (onde a solução 1 não se aplica): Use os 16 bits inferiores de INT e remova os bits mais altos com & 0xffff, quando necessário.

Este é um tópico realmente obsoleto, mas para o benefício de qualquer pessoa que vem depois. O char é um tipo numérico. Ele suporta todos os operadores matemáticos, operações de bits etc. É um 16 não assinado.

Processamos sinais registrados por hardware incorporado personalizado, por isso lidamos com muitos 16 não assinados dos A-D. Usamos chars em todo o lugar há anos e nunca tivemos problemas.

You can use a char, as it is an unsigned 16 bit value (though technically it is a unicode character so could potnetially change to be a 24 bit value in the future)... the other alternative is to use an int and make sure it is within range.

Don't use a char - use an int :-)

And here is a link discussing Java and the lack of unsigned.


public final int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException {
    int ch1 =;
    int ch2 =;
    if ((ch1 | ch2) < 0)
        throw new EOFException();
    return (ch1 << 8) + (ch2 << 0);

No such type in java

Yep no such thing if you want to use the value in code vs. bit operations.

No, really there is no such method, java is a high-level language. That's why Java doesn't have any unsigned data types.

He said he wanted to create a multi-dimensional short array. Yet no one suggested bitwise operators? From what I read you want to use 16 bit integers over 32 bit integers to save memory?

So firstly to begin 10,000 x 10,000 short values is 1,600,000,000 bits, 200,000,000 bytes, 200,000 kilobytes, 200 megabytes.

If you need something with 200MB of memory consumption you may want to redesign this idea. I also do not believe that will even compile let alone run. You should never initialize large arrays like that if anything utilize 2 features called On Demand Loading and Data Caching. Essentially on demand loading refers to the idea to only load data as it is needed. Then data caching does the same thing, but utilizes a custom frame work for delete old memory and adding new information as needed. This one is tricky to have GOOD speed performance. There are other things you can do, but those two are my favorite when done right.

Alright back to what I was saying about bitwise operators.

So a 32bit integer or in Java "int". You can store what are called "bits" to this so let's say you had 32 Boolean values which in Java all values take up 32 bits (except long) or for arrays they take up 8 for byte, 16 for short, and 32 for int. So unless you have arrays you don't get any memory benefits from using a byte or short. This does not mean you shouldn't use it as its a way to ensure you and others know the data range this value should have.

Now as I was saying you could effectively store 32 Booleans into a single integer by doing the following:

int many_booleans = -1; //All are true;
int many_booleans = 0; //All are false;
int many_booleans = 1 | 2 | 8; //Bits 1, 2, and 4 are true the rest are false;

So now a short consists of 16 bits so 16 + 16 = 32 which fits PERFECTLY within a 32bit integer. So every int value can consist of 2 short values.

int two_shorts = value | (value2 << 16);

So what the above is doing is value is something between -32768 and 32767 or as an unsigned value 0 - 65535. So let's say value equaled -1 so as an unsigned value it was 65535. This would mean bits 1 through 16 are turned on, but when actually performing the math consider the range 0 - 15.

So we need to then activate bits 17 - 32. So we must begin at something larger than 15 bits. So we begin at 16 bits. So by taking value2 and multiplying it by 65536 which is what "<< 16" does. We now would have let's say value2 equaled 3 it would be OR'd 3x65536 = 196608. So our integer value would equal 262143.

int assumed_value = 262143;

so let's say we want to retrieve the two 16bit integer values.

short value1 = (short)(assumed_value & 0xFFFF); //-1
short value2 = (short)(assumed_value >> 16); //=3

Also basically think of bitwise operators as powers of 2. That is all they really are. Never look at it terms of 0's and 1's. I mostly posted this to assist anyone who may come across this searching for unsigned short or even possibly multi-dimensional arrays. If there are any typo's I apologize quickly wrote this up.

If using a third party library is an option, there is jOOU (a spin off library from jOOQ), which offers wrapper types for unsigned integer numbers in Java. That's not exactly the same thing as having primitive type (and thus byte code) support for unsigned types, but perhaps it's still good enough for your use-case.

import static org.joou.Unsigned.*;

// and then...
UShort s = ushort(1);

(Disclaimer: I work for the company behind these libraries)

Java does not have unsigned types. What do you need it for?

Java does have the 'byte' data type, however.

You can code yourself up a ShortUnsigned class and define methods for those operators you want. You won't be able to overload + and - and the others on them, nor have implicit type conversion with other primitive or numeric object types, alas.

Like some of the other answerers, I wonder why you have this pressing need for unsigned short that no other data type will fill.

Simple program to show why unsigned numbers are needed:

package shifttest;
public class ShiftTest{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        short test = -15000;
        System.out.format ("0x%04X 0x%04X 0x%04X 0x%04X 0x%04X\n",
            test, test>>1, test>>2, test>>3, test>>4);



Now for those that are not system types:

JAVA does an arithmetic shift because the operand is signed, however, there are cases where a logical shift would be appropriate but JAVA (Sun in particular), deemed it unnecessary, too bad for us on their short sightedness. Shift, And, Or, and Exclusive Or are limited tools when all you have are signed longer numbers. This is a particular problem when interfacing to hardware devices that talk "REAL" computer bits that are 16 bits or more. "char" is not guaranteed to work (it is two bytes wide now) but in several eastern gif based languages such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese, require at least 3 bytes. I am not acquainted with the number need for sandscript style languages. The number of bytes does not depend on the programmer rather the standards committee for JAVA. So basing char as 16 bits has a downstream risk. To safely implement unsigned shorts JAVA, as special class is the best solution based on the aforementioned ambiguities. The downside of the class is the inability of overloading the mathematical operations for this special class. Many of the contributors for this thread of accurately pointed out these issues but my contribution is a working code example and my experience with 3 byte gifs languages in C++ under Linux.

//вот метод для получения аналога unsigned short
    public static int getShortU(byte [] arr, int i )  throws Exception 
           byte [] b = new byte[2]; 
           b[1] = arr[i];
           b[0] = arr[i+1];
           int k = ByteBuffer.wrap(b).getShort();
            //if this: 
           //int k = ((int)b[0] << 8) + ((int)b[1] << 0); 
           //65536 = 2**16
           if ( k <0) k = 65536+ k; 
        return k;
       catch(Throwable t)
          throw  new Exception ("from getShort: i=" + i);
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