
I am currently writing a script using the O365 CLI. The aim of the script is to register a site collection as a hub site. I am stuck at the end result of which I want to capture the ID.

The script so far does the following:

o365 spo login "" 
$hubsite = o365 spo hubsite register --url 

Write-Host "Hubsite ID: $hubsite.ID"

It is a simple enough script however the "Write-Host" keeps returning blank. If I just enter $hubsite then I get the similar to the following:

Description : null ID : 1af04d03-d2a9-4eb4-aa9c-000000 LogoUrl : null RequiresJoinApproval: false SiteDesignId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SiteId : 1af04d03-d2a9-4eb4-aa9c-2acbfc952c00 SiteUrl : Targets : null TenantInstanceId : 35da7502-e9d2-4684-0000-d84b98b0000 Title : Communication Site

Can please anyone help with where I am going wrong?

Nenhuma solução correta

Outras dicas

I managed to resolve this by outputting the results to JSON, instead I now have the following:

o365 spo login "" 
$hubsite = o365 spo hubsite register --url -output json | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Host "Hubsite ID: $hubsite.ID"
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