
I'm using Sharepoint online (included in office 365) I'd like to use sharepoint as a document repository.

I've created some test folders&Docs on my created test site: enter image description here

I have created my auth token with this:

With the Rest API V1 and postman When I list the root folders as described here I have this kind of error:

Server relative urls must start with SPWeb.ServerRelativeUrl

So as if I remove the first "/" like this


I get a 200 response with an empty array 😕

I did browse aproximatly every endpoint of this HATEOS list but did not find any interesting data in return


Where my created documents could be hidden?

EDIT: See the full response in comments of answered post

Foi útil?


It is "server" relative, not "site" relative. The server relative URL for your document library is /sites/Contentieux/Documents. So your API call would be:

https://<<your tenant>>'/sites/Contentieux/Documents')/Folders

Outras dicas

You need to pass the URL related to your site URL. Check below examples:

To get folders in document library:

http://site url/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/SiteName/Shared Documents')/folders

To get files in document library/folder:

http://site url/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/SiteName/LibraryURL/Folder Name')/Files

To get all Files and Folders in one call:

http://site url/_api/web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('/sites/SiteName/Shared Documents')?$expand=Folders,Files

Reference: Get all Files and Folders in one call

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