
I have created an "Event Registration" product type and order item type. In the order item type, I added fields for the registrant's name and job title. How can I print the submitted values for those fields in the commerce-order-receipt.html.twig?

Foi útil?


Figured it out! Took a few steps:

  1. I created a View of type: Order Item. Added my custom fields to that view (Job Title, etc).
  2. Added a Contextual Filter "Order item: ID". Provide Default Value: Content ID from URL.
  3. I created a Viewfield on each of my Order Item Types, using the View I created in the previous step.
  4. I went to /admin/commerce/config/order-item-types/default/edit/display and hid all the fields except for the Viewfield. Repeat for the other Order Item Types. In commerce-order-receipt.html.twig, add this code (which was found in commerce-checkout-order-summary.html.twig):

    {{ order_item|commerce_entity_render('summary') }}
  5. Style the output as you like in the receipt twig. Here is the pertinent portion of mine in case anyone finds it helpful:

                {% block order_items %}
                <table style="padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom:15px; width: 100%">
                  <tbody style="text-align: left;">
                  {% for order_item in order_entity.getItems %}
                      <span style="font-size: 15px;">
                {{ order_item.getQuantity|number_format }} x 
                <span style="font-weight: bold;">{{ order_item.label }}</span>
                <span style="float: right;">{{ order_item.getTotalPrice|commerce_price_format }}</span>
              {{ order_item|commerce_entity_render('summary') }}
                  {% endfor %}
                {% endblock %}
  6. Clear cache, and that's it!

Outras dicas

I just needed one product attribute (with field machine name 'field_message') to be included in the item rows in the e-mail, so I adapted the template like this:

      {% for order_item in order_entity.getItems %}
          {{ order_item.getQuantity|number_format }} x
          {{ order_item.label }}
          {% if order_item.field_message.value %}
            {{ order_item.field_message.value }}
          {% endif %}
        <td style="text-align: right;">
          {{ order_item.getTotalPrice|commerce_price_format }}</span>
      {% endfor %}

So if the order_item has a value for field_message, that value goes into a new third table column (if not then the cell is empty), with the fourth column now right-aligned with the total price as before.

And instead of putting this commerce-order-receipt.html.twig file in a new custom module, I just included it in my existing custom theme (in its templates directory), with the following in the THEMENAME.theme file:

 * Implements hook_theme().
function THEMENAME_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  return [
    'commerce_order_receipt' => [
      'template' => 'commerce-order-receipt',
      'base hook' => 'commerce_order_receipt',
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