
I'm new to the OpenID concept and recently tried implementing an OpenID Library for CodeIgniter using the JanRain PHP 5 system. However ran into some issues while retrieving simple data from sites like Google and Yahoo...

My config file for the OpenID Library looks like this:

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
    $config['openid_storepath'] = 'tmp';
    $config['openid_policy'] = 'test/policy';
    $config['openid_required'] = array('email');
    $config['openid_optional'] = array('fullname');
    $config['openid_request_to'] = 'test/check';

Yet, I'm unable to obtain either the 'email' or 'fullname' value. I've tried filling in other fields (like 'nickname'), but that didn't yield results either. In addition, many other options specified in JanRain docs (such as 'verifiedEmail' and 'preferredUsername') merely caused an SREG error.

The authentications are successful, as they return a success message, but how can I access the information I've requested?

Edit: Here is the return URL:

http://www.{Site}.net/v2/test/check?janrain_nonce=2011-12-10T05:53:01ZFXVT02&{Site}.net%2Fv2%2Ftest%2Fcheck%3Fjanrain_nonce%3D2011-12-10T05%3A53%3A01ZFXVT02&{Token}%23df6f7&{Token}&openid.assoc_handle={Handle}&openid.realm=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.{Site}.net%2Fv2%2F&{Nonce Token}&openid.signed=assoc_handle%2Cclaimed_id%2Cidentity%2Cmode%2Cns%2Cop_endpoint%2Cresponse_nonce%2Creturn_to%2Csigned%2Cpape.auth_level.nist&


Foi útil?


I can't help you in PHP but can show you code i have developed in java which work for yahoo

while i am creating AuthenticationUrl() for yahoo this is what i am doing

 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
          .append(endpoint.getUrl().contains("?") ? '&' : '?')

here is my getAuthQuery function

 String getAuthQuery(String axa) {
        if (authQuery!=null)
            return authQuery;
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        list.add("openid.ns." + axa + "=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".mode=fetch_request");
        list.add("openid." + axa + "");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".type.fullname=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".type.language=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".type.firstname=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".type.lastname=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".type.gender=");
        list.add("openid." + axa + ".required=email,fullname,language,firstname,lastname,gender");
        String query = Utils.buildQuery(list);
        authQuery = query;
        return query;

hope this will give you idea how to use attribute exchange.

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