
I want to read a sequence of bytes from my accelerometer. I can't get it work. When I read byte by byte all is ok, but when I try to read sequence I can't get a true values.

  void ADXL_ReadSeq(uint8_t StartAddr,signed char *data)
        // StartAddr |= (1<<7); //
        while(I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2CG, I2C_FLAG_BUSY));  // While the bus is busy
        I2C_GenerateSTART(I2CG, ENABLE);    // Send START condition
        while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2CG, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECT)); // Test on EV5 and clear it
        I2C_Send7bitAddress(I2CG, DEV_ADDR<< 1, I2C_Direction_Transmitter); // Send address for write (SAD+W)
        while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2CG, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED));   // Test on EV6 and clear it
        I2C_SendData(I2CG,ADXL_R| ADXL_MB|StartAddr );  // Send the internal address to read from: MSB of the address first
        while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2CG, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED));    // Test on EV8 and clear it
        I2C_GenerateSTART(I2CG, ENABLE);    // Send STRAT condition a second time
        while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2CG, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_MODE_SELECT)); // Test on EV5 and clear it
        I2C_Send7bitAddress(I2CG, DEV_ADDR<< 1, I2C_Direction_Receiver);    // Send address for read
        while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2CG,I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED));    // Test on EV6 and clear it
        int num=6;
        while (num)
                    I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(I2C1, DISABLE);   /* ЧоєуТ»О»єуТЄ№Ш±ХУ¦ґрµД */
                    I2C_GenerateSTOP(I2C1, ENABLE);         /* ·ўЛННЈЦ№О» */

                while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2C1, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED));  /* EV7 */
                *data = I2C_ReceiveData(I2C1);
                /* Decrement the read bytes counter */
            /* ФЩґОФКРнУ¦ґрДЈКЅ */
            I2C_AcknowledgeConfig(I2C1, ENABLE);


What I'm doing wrong? I convert this function from other function which uses SPI

Foi útil?


Check documentation for your accelerometer. I2C are very different from SPI and your device maybe does not support sequence read by I2C.

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