
A product is salable or not is determined based on below logic:

  • Product should be enabled.
  • Product should be marked in-stock.
  • qty -(minus) sum of reserved quantity in inventory_reservation table should be greater than 0. This is a important check. A product might have main quantity (qty), still it might not be salable.

Requirement: I have an array of configurable product skus and want to check if they are salable. To check a config is salable, assigned simple product should also be checked if they are salable.


namespace Algolia\CustomAlgolia\Observer;

use Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Api\LinkManagementInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Event\Observer;
use Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface;
use Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface;

class ExcludeNotSalableProducts implements ObserverInterface
     * @var IsProductSalableInterface
    private $isProductSalable;
     * @var LinkManagementInterface
    private $linkManagement;
     * @var ProductRepositoryInterface
    private $productRepository;

     * ExcludeNotSalableProducts constructor.
     * @param IsProductSalableInterface $isProductSalable
     * @param LinkManagementInterface $linkManagement
     * @param ProductRepositoryInterface $productRepository
    public function __construct(
        LinkManagementInterface $linkManagement,
        ProductRepositoryInterface  $productRepository
        $this->linkManagement = $linkManagement;
        $this->productRepository = $productRepository;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function execute(Observer $observer)
        $startTime = microtime(true);

        $configSkus = ['1001', '1002']; // sku of config products
        $parentSkusToExclude = [];
        foreach ($configSkus as $configSku) {
           echo $configSku  . PHP_EOL;
            $excludeParent = true;
            try {
                $childProducts =  $this->linkManagement->getChildren($configSku);
                foreach ($childProducts as $product) {
                    $isSalable = $this->productRepository->get($product->getSku())->isSalable();
                    if ($isSalable) {
                        $excludeParent = false;
            } catch (\Exception $exception) {
            if ($excludeParent) {
                $parentSkusToExclude[] = $configSku;
        $endTime = microtime(true);
        echo 'took ' . ($endTime - $startTime) . ' seconds';

Above code takes around 50 second for 100 config products in my local system.

Question: What is the fastest way to determine if a config sku is salable?

Foi útil?


One of the fastest way to figure out if config product is out of stock in my scenario is to do direct sql query and check the main qty and reserved quantity. I have achieved it using below code:


namespace Algolia\CustomAlgolia\Observer;
use Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection;
use Magento\Framework\Event\Observer;
use Magento\Framework\Event\ObserverInterface;

class ExcludeNotSalableProducts implements ObserverInterface
     * @var ResourceConnection
    private $resourceConnection;

     * ExcludeNotSalableProducts constructor.
     * @param ResourceConnection $resourceConnection
    public function __construct(
        ResourceConnection $resourceConnection
        $this->resourceConnection = $resourceConnection;

    public function execute(Observer $observer)
        $collection = $observer->getData('collection'); // config product data
        $connection = $this->resourceConnection->getConnection();
        $productRelation = $this->resourceConnection->getTableName('catalog_product_relation');
        $inventoryItemTable = $this->resourceConnection->getTableName('cataloginventory_stock_item');
        $catalogProductTable = $this->resourceConnection->getTableName('catalog_product_entity');
        $inventoryReservationTable = $this->resourceConnection->getTableName('inventory_reservation');

        $excludeConfigSku = [];
        foreach ($collection as $configProduct) {
            $excludeSku = true;
            $configSku = $configProduct['sku'];
            echo $configSku . PHP_EOL;
            $configId = $configProduct['entity_id'];
            $childProductsQuery = $connection->select()->from(
            )->where('parent_id = ?',$configId);
            $childProducts = $connection->fetchAll($childProductsQuery);
            foreach ($childProducts as $childProduct) {
                $childId = $childProduct['child_id'];
                $qtyQuery = $connection->select()->from(
                )->where('product_id = ?', $childId);
                $qtyData = $connection->fetchRow($qtyQuery);
                $qty = (int) $qtyData['qty'];
                $skuDataQuery = $connection->select()->from(
                )->where('entity_id = ?',$childId);
                $skuData = $connection->fetchRow($skuDataQuery);
                $sku = $skuData['sku'];
                $inventoryQuery = $connection->select()->from(
                    ['sum(quantity) as reserved_qty']
                )->where('sku = ?', $sku);
                $entry = $connection->fetchRow($inventoryQuery);
                $reservedQty = ((int)$entry['reserved_qty']);
                if ($reservedQty !== 0) {
                    $qty = ($qty + $reservedQty);
                if ($qty > 0) {
                    $excludeSku = false;
            if ($excludeSku) {
                $excludeConfigSku[] = $configSku;
        $collection->addFieldToFilter('sku', ['nin' => $excludeConfigSku]);

One other possibility I can think of which will be faster is, make simple product out stock (using sales order event) when sum of main quantity and reserved quantity is zero.

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