
I'm using a Django environment, and I want to pull stats from Steam. However, Steam's API is annoyingly stupid in that they have about 20 different URLs, the main two I want information from are:

I'm using the Python Requests library to GET the data from Steam.

import requests
import json
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

STEAM_USERNAME = 'niteshade'

# Make request to with the username to get the 64-bit Steam ID
username_r = requests.get('{0}/games?tab=all&xml=1'.format(STEAM_USERNAME))
steamid = str(parseString(username_r.text.encode('utf-8')).getElementsByTagName('steamID64')[0].firstChild.wholeText)
totalgames = parseString(username_r.text.encode('utf-8')).getElementsByTagName('game').length

data = {
    'key': STEAM_API_KEY,
    'steamids': steamid,

user_r = requests.get(STEAM_API_URL, params=data)
#user_r.json['response']['players'][0].update({'totalgames'.encode('utf-8'): totalgames})

When I query I get something like this back:

            <name>Orcs Must Die! 2</name>
            <name>The Binding of Isaac</name>
            <name>Alice: Madness Returns</name>

And from I get this:

    "response": {
        "players": [
                "steamid": "12345",
                "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
                "profilestate": 1,
                "personaname": "aSteamID",
                "lastlogoff": 1351676021,
                "profileurl": "http:\/\/\/id\/aSteamID\/",
                "avatar": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4.jpg",
                "avatarmedium": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4_medium.jpg",
                "avatarfull": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4_full.jpg",
                "personastate": 4,
                "realname": "Real Name",
                "primaryclanid": "103582791429705688",
                "timecreated": 1250966723,
                "loccountrycode": "GB"

Basically, to be able to get anything from, I need a Steam ID. To get that, I make the call to website which returns an XML file with the Steam ID, amongst other things. The information I need is as follows (using the names as in the XML/JSON responses):


  • Steamid
  • Personaname
  • ProfileURL
  • Friends (Requires another API call, I believe)
  • Personastate
  • Total number of games
  • Avatarfull


  • AppID
  • Name
  • Logo
  • hoursLast2Weeks

For total number of games, I thought I'd simply just count the number of <game> nodes in the XML file returned by It worked, in that I was able to count them, but I can't seem to add a totalgames field to the JSON response from Secondly, not all <game> nodes have <hoursLast2Weeks> child nodes, I only want the ones that do. Thirdly, I want to just get the player's friends total. I'm not kidding myself, I know I'll have to use another GET, but the problem is adding it to the JSON.

My main issue is trying to add to the JSON response, I've looked at other examples on SO, tried to follow them but I'm not sure where I'm going wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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To satisfy adding totalgames to each element in players response:

import json
response = '{"response": {"players": [{"steamid": "12345","communityvisibilitystate": 3,"profilestate": 1,"personaname": "aSteamID","lastlogoff": 1351676021,"profileurl": "http:\/\/\/id\/aSteamID\/","avatar": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4.jpg","avatarmedium": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4_medium.jpg","avatarfull": "http:\/\/\/steamcommunity\/public\/images\/avatars\/b2\/b261f66a17bfa6c95b24f8b4c6b58bb3776d57e4_full.jpg","personastate": 4,"realname": "Real Name","primaryclanid": "103582791429705688","timecreated": 1250966723,"loccountrycode": "GB"}]}}'
data = json.loads(response)
for player in data["response"]["players"]:
    # add code to get game count by player here                  
    # set to zero for this example
    totalgames = 0
    player["totalgames"] = totalgames

print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

Outras dicas

Changing json data is pretty simple:

jsondata = json.loads(json_input_string)
jsondata['newkey'] = new_value
json_output_string = json.dumps(jsondata)
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