
I am trying to add an instance of MPVolumeView to the bottom bar of my navigation controller.(the box for toolbar is ticked) I do not get any errors with my code, but when I run the project on my device the volume slider is not showing. Thanks in advance for any suggestions, here is my code:

@interface ViewController ()
AVPlayer *vPlayer;
AVPlayerItem *playerItem;
UISegmentedControl *segm;
UIToolbar *toolbar;

@implementation ViewController
@synthesize myViewVolume;
@synthesize nowPlaying;

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"  /listen.pls"]];
vPlayer = [[AVPlayer alloc] initWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
[playerItem addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"timedMetadata" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL];

//self.myViewVolume = [[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 330, 280, 50)];

self.myViewVolume = [[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame: toolbar.bounds];
[self.myViewVolume sizeToFit];
[self.view addSubview:toolbar];
[toolbar addSubview:self.myViewVolume];

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You cannot add subviews to a toolbar. You must add a UIBarButtonItem whose view is the view you want to show.

UIBarButtonItem* b = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView: myVolumeView];
myToolbar.items = @[b];

This has nothing to do with MPVolumeView. It's true of any arbitrary view you'd like to add to a toolbar or nav bar.

Here's actual code that works on my device for a view controller in a navigation interface:

MPVolumeView* vv = [[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 150, 40)];
UIBarButtonItem* b = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView: vv];
self.toolbarItems = @[b];
self.navigationController.toolbarHidden = NO;

Note too that you must test on a device; there's no interface for the volume view in the Simulator. :(

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