
I have a generic method

public delegate void Handler<T>(T val);

I enable users to register to events and provide this delegate. I need to save the list of delegate according to their types.

I tried saving in a dictionary of Type and object. when adding the method I cast it to a


according to the T. but then when an event occurred I do not have the T so cannot cast to the relevant list of generic handlers (I do have the Type but not the T)

I solved this by saving methodInfo list for each type

  private Dictionary<Type, List<MethodInfo>>  handlers = new Dictionary<Type, List<MethodInfo>>();

    public delegate void Handler<T>(T val);

    public void Register<T>( Handler<T> handler )
        List<MethodInfo> lst;
        if (!handlers.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out lst))
            lst = new List<MethodInfo>();
            handlers.Add(typeof(T), lst);


    public void RaiseEvent( string value)
       foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, List<MethodInfo>> pair in handlers)
                object typedValue;

                if (pair.Key.IsEnum)
                    typedValue = Enum.Parse(pair.Key, value);
                    typedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value, pair.Key);

                foreach (MethodInfo  methodInfo  in pair.Value )
                    methodInfo.Invoke(null, new[] { typedValue });

but the problem is that this approach will work only if the method is static , otherwise it will require the type of class.

is there any solution for this problem???

enable generic events... thanks!

Foi útil?


Maybe this will help:

public delegate void Handler<in T>(T val);

private List<Delegate> m_list = new List<Delegate>();

public void AddListener<T>(Handler<T> handler) {

public void Call(object eventArg) {
  foreach (var handler in m_list) {

Then, if you have a handler like this:

private void MyHandler(int val) {
  // Do something

You can add it to the list like this:


(This assumes I correctly understood what you're trying to do. I'm not sure though.)

Outras dicas

You could also make a handler repository using a non-generic delegate, something like:

public delegate void Handler(object val);
public delegate void Handler<T>(T val);

public class HandlerRepository
  private Dictionary<Type, Handler>  handlers = new Dictionary<Type, Handler>();

  public void RegisterHandler<T>(Handler<T> handler)
     //error checking omitted
     //create a non-generic handler that calls the generic handler 
     //with the correct type.
     handlers.Add(typeof(T), (value)=>handler((T)value));

  public void ExecuteHandler<T>(T value)
     //error checking ommited

and use it like this:

Handler<int> handleInt = value => Console.WriteLine("Int32 is {0}", value);
Handler<string> handleString = value => Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", value);
HandlerRepository repo = new HandlerRepository();

//this call boxes the argument to an object   
repo.ExecuteHandler(5);  // "Int32 is 5"
repo.ExecuteHandler("Hello, world"); "String is Hello, world"
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