
I have this DB model:

DB model

(TEXT is actually VARCHAR)

entity_group_type is not modifiable at runtime, but it will be modified in a near future to add more entries, several times, by the development team.

Now I need to retrieve all entries from entity that are of a given entity_group_type. How should the software handle this kind of queries? Should I hardcode entity_group_type _id/name in the software? If so, why do I even need this table then? And what's better, hardcode _id or name?

Or is this the wrong way to structure my data?

Thanks in advance!

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Taking your questions one at a time:

How should you refer to the entity group in the software? Hard-code the id, or the name?

Refer to the entity groups in a way that makes your code the most readable. So, perhaps you use the name, or perhaps a constant that looks like the name but whose value is the id. Using a constant can avoid one join when you are looking up entities by group type, but usually this is not much of a concern.

Why do I even need that table in the DB then? Is this the wrong way to structure my data?

This is a perfectly acceptable way to structure your data. The most correct way depends on what you are doing with the data, but for most applications your structure would be correct. However, you certainly don't need that table in the database--you could instead have a "group_type" field on the entity_group table. Here are the pros and cons:

Advantages of the current structure:

  • Easy to add fields that describe the entity_group_type. For example, you might want to make some group types only viewable by admin users, or disabled, or whatever. If this is a possiblity for the future, it pretty much requires this database structure.
  • Ability to have your database software enforce referential integrity, meaning the data is kept consistent between the entity_group and entity_group_type tables.

Advantages of adding a group_type field on the entity_group table:

  • Possibly a simpler representation in your code. For exameple, if you use a MVC architecture, having the extra table might require another model object in your code. That's usually not a problem, and may have advantages, but sometimes simpler is better.
  • When you are looking up entities by entity group type, your SQL statements will be slightly simpler, since there will be one less table/join involved.

I think in most cases your current structure comes out ahead, although it does depend of how you use the data. Unless you had a good reason to structure the data differently, I would stick with your current structure.

Outras dicas

I think you should definitely store entity_group_type in the database, in its own table, as per your design diagram above. Storing that information in the DB makes it possible to query against that information, which adds flexibility to your design.

Once you have this information in the DB, your question seems to be whether it should be broken out into its own table, or just be stored as column in the entity_type table. I think you should break it out into its own table, with a foreign key constraint from entity_type to entity_group_type.

  • Having entity_group_type in its own table allows for group types to be preserved even if all of the entity groups of that type are removed from the DB.
  • You can leverage the foreign key to ensure that the entity_group_type name is spelled consistently. Inserted entity_groups must satisfy the foreign key constraint, and so would have to either reference an existing entity_group_type having a properly spelled name, or insert an entity_group_type which will set the proper spelling for that new entity_group_type.

Use a synthetic key for your entity_group_type table, to reduce painful redundancy in the appearance of entity_group_type name appearance. This makes the data model more DRY, and allows updating the entity_group_type's name to be a simple update to one table.

As for storing the entity_group_type in your application logic, I would suggest storing the name, and looking up the id for the entity_group_type when it is needed. I think that would make the application codebase sowewhat more readable, and I think I've made a compelling argument for why I think this relevant information should have a representation in the database.

Given, that you know the name of your entity_group_type at runtime, then the correct way to find all entity_groups with that, you would use a join:

SELECT entity_group._id,, AS groupTypeName
FROM entity_group
JOIN entity_group_type ON entity_group.id_type = entity_group_type._id
WHERE = 'someGroupName';

This would result in all entity_group information for the given entity_group_type name.

And yes, this is a good or at least possible way to store that kind of information. Just imagine that eventually the entity_group_type gets a new attribute, e.g. disabled. Then it is still easily possible to find all entity_groups which are (not) in disabled types.

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