
Let's say I have this example template:

template<class T>
class Wrapper
virtual T* ReturnPtr() = 0;

And then I inherit from it:

class Buffer; //some class
class BufferWrapper : public Wrapper<Buffer>
virtual Buffer* ReturnPtr(); //<< (1.)
  1. Is this the way to do it properly? When I write it like this it gives me no intellisense errors, but once I write ReturnPtr() somewhere,it tells me "the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function".
  2. Does this mean it's impossible to use virtual methods like that?
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Intellisense shows that message when you are calling a non-const function on an object that is const. As we can see, ReturnPtr is non-const. There are generally two reasons you might see this message. The first is when you are trying to call ReturnPtr on a const object of type BufferWrapper:

const BufferWrapper bw;
bw.ReturnPtr(); // Can't call non-const member function on const object

The second is when your BufferWrapper object is a data member of a class and you are calling ReturnPtr on it from within a const member function of that class:

struct SomeClass
  BufferWrapper bw;

  void SomeClass::SomeFunc() const
    bw.ReturnPtr(); // Cannot call non-const member function here
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