
Thank you for your previous advices,

I have another regex problem:

now I have a list with this pattern:

*7  3   279 0
*33 2   254 0.0233918128654971
*39 2   276 0.027431421446384

and a file with DNA sequencing in Fasta format:

EDIT reformated lines


I'd need to find the numbers in the list with * (e.g., 7 or 33) in the Fasta file (e.g., >OCTU7 and >OCTU33) and copy in another file only the Fasta sequences that are present in the list, this is my script:

while OCTU:
    for line in a:
        if regex.match(OCTU)==line:

The scripts seems to work but I think the pattern is not correct because the file created is empty.

Thank you in advance for your precious advices.

Foi útil?


You could first collect the id numbers from file a to a set for fast lookup later:

seta = set()
regexa = re.compile(r'\*(\d+)') #matches asterisk followed by digits, captures digits
for line in a:
    m = regexa.match(line)      #looks for match at start of line
    if m:

Then loop over b. Use inside the loop to get the second line where the sequence is.

regexb = re.compile(r'>OCTU(\d+)')  #matches ">OCTU" followed by digits, captures digits
for line in b:
    m = regexb.match(line)
    if m:
        sequence = 
        if in seta:

Outras dicas

You may want to use Biopython to parse the fasta file.

Then you can slice out the number and look it up in your list and access the sequence and sequence name more reliably...If a fasta file has line wrapping the above method may run into problems...

import collections
from Bio import SeqIO

infile = "yourfastafile.fasta"
outfile = "desired_outfilename.fasta"

dct = collections.OrderedDict()
for record in SeqIO.parse(open(infile), "fasta"):
    dct[record.description()] = str(record.seq).upper()

for k,v in dct.items():
    if int(k[4:]) in seta: #from answer above
        with open(outfile, "a") as handle:
            handle.write(">" + k + "\n" + str(v) + "\n")


the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility

import re

regex = r">.+\n[acgtnACGTN\n]+"

test_str = (">AB000263 |acc=AB000263|descr=Homo sapiens mRNA for prepro cortistatin like peptide, complete cds.|len=368\n"

matches = re.finditer(regex, test_str)

for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches):
    matchNum = matchNum + 1

    print ("Match {matchNum} was found at {start}-{end}: {match}".format(matchNum = matchNum, start = match.start(), end = match.end(), match =

    for groupNum in range(0, len(match.groups())):
        groupNum = groupNum + 1

        print ("Group {groupNum} found at {start}-{end}: {group}".format(groupNum = groupNum, start = match.start(groupNum), end = match.end(groupNum), group =

Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.

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