
I have googled couple of times but still can't understand the supertype method. Can anyone please explain what is this?

Foi útil?


There is a notion of supertype and subtype in OOPS, In java this kind of relationship is implemented by inheritance i.e. using extends keyword:

class A {} // super class
class B extends A {} //sub class

Any member (fields, methods) declared in super class is to be called supertype.

Therefore in above context if class A has method like

class A {
   void set()

Set is supertype method for class B.

However, notice that if there is another class say C:

class C {
    void set()        

Then set() method is not supertype for C class because there is no relationship between class A and class C (relationship is created by extends keyword, for inheritance).

Outras dicas

if you are talking about calling a super method, you should try the following

  1. Create a class with a method public method e.g. printSomething()
    public void printSomething() {
       System.out.println("hello, I am the first class");
  2. Create a second class which inherites from the first class and override the printSomething method
    public void printSomething() {
  3. Write a small programme which call the method printSomething of class two and see what will happen

Super at Constructer level

class SuperClass
    int num=10;
    public void display()
        System.out.println("Superclass display method");

class SubClass extends SuperClass
    int num=20;

    public void display()
        System.out.println("the value of subclass variable name:"+num);
        System.out.println("Subclass display method");

    public void Mymethod()
        System.out.println("the value of superclass variable name:"+super.num);

    public static void main(String[] args)
        SubClass obj=new SubClass();

In java every thing are object and a method is also a object of class java.lang.reflect.Method So the super type of method can be consider as the super class of java.lang.reflect.Method that is the AccessibleObject.

Super Type and sub type is a property of inheritance i.e for the purpose of re-usability of code. I am giving you example of Super Class and Sub class. For more you can follow here.

using System;

namespace MultilevelInheritance
    public class Customer
        public float fDis { get; set; }
        public Customer()
            Console.WriteLine("I am a normal customer.");
        public virtual void discount()
            fDis = 0.3F;
            Console.WriteLine("Discount is :{0}", fDis);

    public class SilverCustomer : Customer
        public SilverCustomer()
            : base()
            Console.WriteLine("I am silver customer.");
        public override void discount()
            fDis = 0.4F;
            Console.WriteLine("Discount is :{0}", fDis);
    class GoldenCustomer : SilverCustomer
        public GoldenCustomer()
            Console.WriteLine("I am Golden customer.");
        public override void discount()
            fDis = 0.6F;
            Console.WriteLine("Discount is :{0}", fDis);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MultilevelInheritance
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Customer objCus = new Customer();

            SilverCustomer objSil = new SilverCustomer();

            GoldenCustomer objGold = new GoldenCustomer();


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Super is used to invoke parent class Properties used at 3 levels variable constructer and method level

1.Super at Variable

class Super
    int age;
    Super(int age)
        public void getAge()
class Sub extends Super
    Sub(int age)
    public static void main(String[] args)
         Super obj=new  Super(24);
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