
Acabei de baixar a biblioteca MSNP-sharp com o objetivo de criar meu próprio cliente de mensagens, no entanto, estou lutando para obter o exemplo para entrar. "Eu quase imediatamente recebo a seguinte demora:

"Nenhuma conexão poderia ser feita porque a máquina alvo o recusou ativamente"

Eu passei pelo código e é a função messenger.connect () que está causando isso, um pouco obviamente. Quando executo o exemplo, altero apenas os detalhes de login e senha. Estou executando o Windows 7 X86 com a versão mais recente do Windows Live Messenger.

Tentei desativar meu antivírus, chegando a desinstalá -lo temporariamente, caso esse fosse o erro.

Também tentei desativar o Windows Firewall, sem sorte.

Nenhuma solução correta

Outras dicas

Em primeiro lugar, use a versão estável do msnpsharp (ou seja, 3.0). Como é uma sotação, isso pode estar relacionado a um problema no protocolo da Internet (um firewall, por exemplo). Tente garantir que nada esteja bloqueando o programa de acessar o protocolo MSN. Desde que você disse que desativou seu firewall do Windows, poderia haver mais alguma coisa que possa estar bloqueando?

Em segundo lugar, você já tentou usar o MSN Messenger Live para um teste. Se isso funcionar, o cliente MSNPSharp provavelmente também deve funcionar. Certifique -se de ter o .NET Framework 2.0 ou dentro da versão da estrutura .NET. Se parece constantemente um problema, não acredito que isso seja um problema do cliente MSNPSharp (no entanto, não tenho certeza).

Aqui está uma demonstração, espero que seja útil

  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Text;
  using System.Drawing.Color;

  namespace MSNRobot
    using MSNPSharp;
    using MSNPSharp.Core;
    using MSNPSharp.DataTransfer;

    class RobotConversation
        private Conversation _conversation = null;
        private RobotMain _robotmain = null;

        public RobotConversation(Conversation conv, RobotMain robotmain)
            Console.WriteLine("==> Struct a conversation");
            _conversation = conv;
            _conversation.Switchboard.TextMessageReceived += new EventHandler<TextMessageEventArgs>(Switchboard_TextMessageReceived);
            _conversation.Switchboard.SessionClosed += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(Switchboard_SessionClosed);
            _conversation.Switchboard.ContactLeft += new EventHandler<ContactEventArgs>(Switchboard_ContactLeft);
            _robotmain = robotmain;

        //online status
        private void Switchboard_TextMessageReceived(object sender, TextMessageEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Received Msg From " + e.Sender.Mail + " Content:\n" + e.Message.Text);

            //echo back ///////////// TODO /////////////////

        private void Switchboard_SessionClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Session Closed, Remove conversation");
            _conversation = null;

        private void Switchboard_ContactLeft(object sender, ContactEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Contact Left.");

    class RobotMain
        private Messenger messenger = new Messenger();
        private List<RobotConversation> _convs = new List<RobotConversation>(0);

        public RobotMain()
            messenger.NameserverProcessor.ConnectionEstablished += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(NameserverProcessor_ConnectionEstablished);
            messenger.Nameserver.SignedIn += new EventHandler<EventArgs>(Nameserver_SignedIn);
            messenger.Nameserver.SignedOff += new EventHandler<SignedOffEventArgs>(Nameserver_SignedOff);
            messenger.NameserverProcessor.ConnectingException += new EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs>(NameserverProcessor_ConnectingException);
            messenger.Nameserver.ExceptionOccurred += new EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs>(Nameserver_ExceptionOccurred);
            messenger.Nameserver.AuthenticationError += new EventHandler<ExceptionEventArgs>(Nameserver_AuthenticationError);
            messenger.Nameserver.ServerErrorReceived += new EventHandler<MSNErrorEventArgs>(Nameserver_ServerErrorReceived);
            messenger.Nameserver.ContactService.ReverseAdded += new EventHandler<ContactEventArgs>(Nameserver_ReverseAdded);
            messenger.ConversationCreated += new EventHandler<ConversationCreatedEventArgs>(messenger_ConversationCreated);
            messenger.Nameserver.OIMService.OIMReceived += new EventHandler<OIMReceivedEventArgs>(Nameserver_OIMReceived);
            messenger.Nameserver.OIMService.OIMSendCompleted += new EventHandler<OIMSendCompletedEventArgs>(OIMService_OIMSendCompleted);

        public List<RobotConversation> RobotConvlist
                return _convs;

        private void NameserverProcessor_ConnectionEstablished(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //messenger.Nameserver.AutoSynchronize = true;
            Console.WriteLine("==>Connection established!");

        private void Nameserver_SignedIn(object sender, EventArgs e)
            messenger.Owner.Status = PresenceStatus.Online;
            Console.WriteLine("==>Signed into the messenger network as " + messenger.Owner.Name);

        private void Nameserver_SignedOff(object sender, SignedOffEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Signed off from the messenger network");

        private void NameserverProcessor_ConnectingException(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
            //MessageBox.Show(e.Exception.ToString(), "Connecting exception");
            Console.WriteLine("==>Connecting failed");

        private void Nameserver_ExceptionOccurred(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
            // ignore the unauthorized exception, since we're handling that error in another method.
            if (e.Exception is UnauthorizedException)

            Console.WriteLine("==>Nameserver exception:" + e.Exception.ToString());

        private void Nameserver_AuthenticationError(object sender, ExceptionEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Authentication failed:" + e.Exception.InnerException.Message);

        private void Nameserver_ServerErrorReceived(object sender, MSNErrorEventArgs e)
            // when the MSN server sends an error code we want to be notified.
            Console.WriteLine("==>Server error received:" + e.MSNError.ToString());

        void Nameserver_ReverseAdded(object sender, ContactEventArgs e)
            //Contact contact = e.Contact;
            //contact.OnAllowedList = true;
            //contact.OnPendingList = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==>ReverseAdded contact mail:" + e.Contact.Mail);

            e.Contact.OnAllowedList = true;
            e.Contact.OnForwardList = true;


        private void messenger_ConversationCreated(object sender, ConversationCreatedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>Conversation created");
            _convs.Add(new RobotConversation(e.Conversation, this));

        //offline status
        void Nameserver_OIMReceived(object sender, OIMReceivedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("==>OIM received at : " + e.ReceivedTime + " From : " +
                e.NickName + " (" + e.Email + ") " + e.Message);

            TextMessage message = new TextMessage(e.Message);
            message.Font = "Trebuchet MS";
            //message.Color = Color.Brown;
            message.Decorations = TextDecorations.Bold;
            Console.WriteLine("==>Echo back");
            messenger.OIMService.SendOIMMessage(e.Email, message.Text);

        void OIMService_OIMSendCompleted(object sender, OIMSendCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error != null)
                Console.WriteLine("OIM Send Error:" + e.Error.Message);

        public void BeginLogin(string account, string password)
            if (messenger.Connected)
                Console.WriteLine("==>Disconnecting from server");

            // set the credentials, this is ofcourse something every MSNPSharp program will need to implement.
            messenger.Credentials = new Credentials(account, password, MsnProtocol.MSNP16);

            // inform the user what is happening and try to connecto to the messenger network.  
            Console.WriteLine("==>Connecting to server...");

            //displayImageBox.Image = global::MSNPSharpClient.Properties.Resources.loading;

            //loginButton.Tag = 1;
            //loginButton.Text = "Cancel";

            // note that Messenger.Connect() will run in a seperate thread and return immediately.
            // it will fire events that informs you about the status of the connection attempt.
            // these events are registered in the constructor.

        /// <summary>
        /// main()
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string robot_acc = "";
            string robot_passwd = "";

            if (args.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("USAGE:MSNRobot.exe <msn_account> [password]");    

            robot_acc = args[0];

            if (args.Length == 2)
                robot_passwd = args[1];
                Console.WriteLine("Password for " + robot_acc + ":");
                robot_passwd = Console.ReadLine();

            RobotMain app = new RobotMain();
            app.BeginLogin(robot_acc, robot_passwd);

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("I am a MSN robot:" + robot_acc);

Você já experimentou o cliente de exemplo para msnpsharp?

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