
Lookbehind with ? is not consuming the :




Subject: asdf adsf


: asdf adsf

I don't want the : to be included in the match

If I search on:
Subject asdf adsf
It matches:
asdf adsf
That is the behavior I want
It appears to treat the : as optional but not consuming

If I match on just subject:? it is greedy and includes the :

Foi útil?


use this regex (?i)(?<=\bsubject:?)[^:].*$

Outras dicas

You have a question mark after the : which will make the colon optional.


This works ok for me:


Remove the extra question mark.

Unless I've misunderstood, I don't think you need a look-ahead for this?

If you're just after whatever follows Subject, then this is your regex:


And if you're after whatever follows Subject, subject or eg suBject then this is your regex:


And include your word-boundary \b again if that's still necessary:

\bSubject\:?(.+)$ or (?i)\bSubject\:?(.+)$

So, in C#.NET:

Regex r = new Regex(@"(?i)Subject\:?(.+)$");

Match m = r.Match("Subject asdf asdf");

m = r.Match("Subject: asdf asdf");

//Both output ' asdf asdf' - you might want to trim this.  
//Or add optional space \s? after the optional colon \:? in your regex.

Or, rather than relying on magic constants to line up with implicitly numbered capture groups, explicitly name (and reference) the group:

string captureName = "yourcap";

Regex r = new Regex(@"(?i)Subject\:?(?<"+captureName+">.+)$");
Match m = r.Match("Subject asdf asdf");
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