
I am trying to connect to the MusicBrainz database using the psycopg2 python's module. I have followed the instructions presented on, but I cannot succeed in connecting. In particular I am using the following little script:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect( database = 'musicbrainz_db', user= 'musicbrainz', password = 'musicbrainz', port = 5000, host='')
print "Connection Estabilished"

The problem is that when I launch it, it never reaches the print statement, and the console (I'm on linux) is block indefinitely. It does not even catches the ctrl-c kill, so I have to kill python itself in another console. What can cause this?

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You seem to be mistaking MusicBrainz-Server to be only the database. What's running on port 5000 is the Web Server. You can access in the browser.

Postgres is also running, but listens on localhost:5432. This works:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(database="musicbrainz_db",
                        user="musicbrainz", password="musicbrainz",
                        port="5432", host="localhost")
print("Connection established")

In order to make postgres listen to more than localhost you need to change listen_addresses in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgres.conf and make an entry for your (client) host or network in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf.

My VM is running in a network so I set listen_addresses='*' in postgres.conf and in pg_hab.conf:

host    all             all             trust

I can now connect from my local network to the DB in the VM.

Depending on what you actually need, you might not want to connect to the MusicBrainz Server via postgres. There is a MusicBrainz web service you can access in the VM. Example: In that case you might be interested in a library to process the data: python-musicbrainzngs.

EDIT: You need to set musicbrainzngs.set_hostname("") for musicbrainzngs to connect to your local VM.

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