
I want to show a subscribe/unsubscribe link on a forum topic list page, along with each of the topics in the list. I have all the info for the subscribe link in the $topic variable in mytheme_preprocess_forum_topic_list():

foreach ($variables['topics'] as $id => $topic) {

Assuming that I want to call notifications_get_link() to get the unsubscribe link, how can I obtain the subscription id (SID) for any existing subscription for the topic node?

I suppose I ought to call notifications_user_get_subscriptions(), but the documentation is a bit thin. An example would be great.

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My solution finds exactly one subscription for the current node if one exists and composes either a susbcribe or unsubscribe link that is made available to the template:

// find subscription
$subs = notifications_user_get_subscriptions(

// compose link
$destination = "?destination=forum/idea-exchange";
if ($subs) {
   foreach ($subs as $key => $sub) {
      $link = notifications_get_link('unsubscribe', array(
              'sid' => $sub->sid, 
              'confirm' => FALSE));
      $variables['topics'][$id]->subscribe_link = 
         '<a class="unsubscribe" href="/'.$link['href'].
               $destination.'">'.t('Stop tracking this topic').'</a>';
else {
  $link = notifications_get_link(
        array('uid' => $user->uid, 
              'type' => 'thread', 
              'fields' => array('nid' => $topic->nid), 
              'confirm' => FALSE));
  $variables['topics'][$id]->subscribe_link = 
      '<a class="subscribe" href="/'.
       $link['href'].$destination.'">'.t('Track this topic').'</a>';

I ended up using a CCK Computed Field for this so that I can include it in a View. See this for more context.

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