
Using MPVolumeView I wanted to create an AirPlay output button for the app's audio.

MPVolumeView *volumeView = [ [MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 220, 20)];
    [volumeView setShowsVolumeSlider:NO];
    [volumeView setShowsRouteButton:YES];
    [volumeView sizeToFit];
    [self.view addSubview:volumeView];
    [volumeView release];

Errors / issues none but it doesn't show up, any ideas?

Foi útil?

Solução 2

instead of init, send it initWithFrame:(CGRect) message. It seems like the view is there, it just has a frame of (0,0,0,0)

Here's the code:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
    ViewController *vc = [[ViewController alloc] init];
    [vc.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
    MPVolumeView *volumeView = [[MPVolumeView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20, 20, 200, 50)];
    [volumeView setShowsVolumeSlider:YES];
    [volumeView setShowsRouteButton:YES];
    [volumeView sizeToFit];
    [vc.view addSubview:volumeView];
    UILabel *testLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 200, 50)];
    testLabel.text = @"TESTING";
    [vc.view addSubview:testLabel];
    [self.window setRootViewController:vc];
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    [vc viewDidLoad];
    return YES;

It works when testing on device:

enter image description here

Outras dicas

It may be that you're placing your VolumeView against a white background. The Airplay route button is white before it's used (i.e.: when it's not routing via AirPlay), so if you put the control against a white background, you won't see it but it'll respond to taps. Change the background to something like red, as above, and it shows.

Airplay route button appears when more than one route is available.

Trick I found to show permanently Airplay Button is to hide MPVolumeView route button, remove user MPVolumeView user interaction and target the route button action with a UIButton Wrapper.

var airplayRouteButton: UIButton?

private func airPlayButton() -> UIButton {

    let wrapperView = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44))
    wrapperView.setImage(YOUR_AIRPLAY_IMAGE, for: UIControlState.normal)
    wrapperView.backgroundColor = .clear
    wrapperView.addTarget(self, action: #selector(PlayerView.replaceRouteButton), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)

    let volumeView = MPVolumeView(frame: wrapperView.bounds)
    volumeView.showsVolumeSlider = false
    volumeView.showsRouteButton = false
    volumeView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false

    self.airplayRouteButton = volumeView.subviews.filter { $0 is UIButton }.first as? UIButton


    return wrapperView

@objc private func replaceRouteButton() {
    airplayRouteButton?.sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)
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