
I'm trying to create a canvas for drawing different objects. I've created zoom and pan functions using graphics.scaleTransform and graphics.translateTransform, but i wan't the canvas background (a grid) to allways fill out the entire window, however it does not, using the following code:

EDIT: I've tried using the coordinates in the transformed graphics object, but it seems it won't accept negative numbers?!?

EDIT: This picture explains my problem:

alt text

 public partial class Form1 : Form

            PointF mouseDown;

            float newX;
            float newY;
            float zoomFactor = 1F;

            Region _rgn;
            Graphics _dc;
            PointF zoomPoint = new PointF(150, 150);

            public Form1()

                mouseDown = new PointF(0F, 0F);

                this.panel1.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(panel1_Paint);
                this.panel1.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(panel1_MouseDown);
                this.panel1.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(panel1_MouseMove);


            private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)


                //Graphics bg = 

                Graphics dc = e.Graphics;
                _dc = dc;

                dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

Color gridColor = Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230);
            Pen gridPen = new Pen(gridColor, 1);

            for (float i = 0; i < this.Height * (zoomFactor); i = i + 30*zoomFactor)
                dc.DrawLine(gridPen, 0, i, this.Width * (zoomFactor), i);
            for (float i = 0; i < this.Width * (zoomFactor); i = i + 30*zoomFactor)
                dc.DrawLine(gridPen, i, 0, i, this.Height * (zoomFactor));

                dc.TranslateTransform(newX, newY);
                dc.ScaleTransform(zoomFactor, zoomFactor, MatrixOrder.Prepend);

                float XPosition = 10;
                float YPosition = 10;
                float CornerRadius = 5;
                float Width = 50;
                float Height = 50;

                Color BoxColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);
                Pen BoxPen = new Pen(BoxColor, 2);

                GraphicsPath Path = new GraphicsPath();

                Path.AddLine(XPosition + CornerRadius, YPosition, XPosition + Width - (CornerRadius * 2), YPosition);
                Path.AddArc(XPosition + Width - (CornerRadius * 2), YPosition, CornerRadius * 2, CornerRadius * 2, 270, 90);
                Path.AddLine(XPosition + Width, YPosition + CornerRadius, XPosition + Width, YPosition + Height - (CornerRadius * 2));
                Path.AddArc(XPosition + Width - (CornerRadius * 2), YPosition + Height - (CornerRadius * 2), CornerRadius * 2, CornerRadius * 2, 0, 90);
                Path.AddLine(XPosition + Width - (CornerRadius * 2), YPosition + Height, XPosition + CornerRadius, YPosition + Height);
                Path.AddArc(XPosition, YPosition + Height - (CornerRadius * 2), CornerRadius * 2, CornerRadius * 2, 90, 90);
                Path.AddLine(XPosition, YPosition + Height - (CornerRadius * 2), XPosition, YPosition + CornerRadius);
                Path.AddArc(XPosition, YPosition, CornerRadius * 2, CornerRadius * 2, 180, 90);


                LinearGradientBrush lgb = new LinearGradientBrush(new PointF(XPosition+(Width/2),YPosition), new PointF(XPosition+(Width/2),YPosition + Height), Color.RosyBrown, Color.Red);

                dc.FillPath(lgb, Path);

                dc.DrawPath(BoxPen, Path);

                Matrix transformMatrix = new Matrix();
                transformMatrix.Translate(newX, newY);
                transformMatrix.Scale(zoomFactor, zoomFactor);

                _rgn = new Region(Path);



            private void panel1_MouseDown(object sender, EventArgs e)
                MouseEventArgs mouse = e as MouseEventArgs;

                if (mouse.Button == MouseButtons.Right)

                    mouseDown = mouse.Location;

                    mouseDown.X = mouseDown.X - newX;
                    mouseDown.Y = mouseDown.Y - newY;


                else if (mouse.Button == MouseButtons.Left)

                    if (_rgn.IsVisible(mouse.Location, _dc))



            private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, EventArgs e)
                MouseEventArgs mouse = e as MouseEventArgs;

                if (mouse.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                    PointF mousePosNow = mouse.Location;

                    float deltaX = mousePosNow.X - mouseDown.X;
                    float deltaY = mousePosNow.Y - mouseDown.Y;

                    newX = deltaX;
                    newY = deltaY;




            protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)

                MouseEventArgs mouse = e as MouseEventArgs;

                PointF mP = mouse.Location;

                if (e.Delta > 0)
                    if (zoomFactor >= 1 && zoomFactor <= 10)
                        zoomFactor += 1F;

                        newX = newX - ((mP.X - newX) / (zoomFactor - 1));
                        newY = newY - ((mP.Y - newY) / (zoomFactor - 1));
                    else if (zoomFactor == 0.5)
                        zoomFactor = zoomFactor * 2;
                        newX = 2 * newX - mP.X ;
                        newY = 2 * newY - mP.Y ;
                    else if (zoomFactor < 0.5)
                        zoomFactor = zoomFactor * 2;
                        newX = 2 * newX - mP.X;
                        newY = 2 * newY - mP.Y;

                else if (e.Delta < 0)
                    if (zoomFactor >2)
                        zoomFactor -= 1F;
                        newX = newX + (((mP.X - newX)) / (zoomFactor+1 ));
                        newY = newY + (((mP.Y - newY)) / (zoomFactor+1));
                    else if (zoomFactor == 2) {
                        zoomFactor -= 1F;

                        newX = newX + ((mP.X - newX)/2);
                        newY = newY + ((mP.Y - newY)/2);
                    }else if(zoomFactor <= 1 && zoomFactor > 0.2)
                        zoomFactor = zoomFactor / 2;

                        newX = newX + ((mP.X - newX) / 2);
                        newY = newY + ((mP.Y - newY) / 2);




Foi útil?


Draw your GRID BEFORE transforming the coordinate system.

If you can't, use GetTransform() and ResetTransform(), then draw grid, then SetTransform back (the one got in the first step).

IMHO: It would be much better if you scale you image 'manually' instead of using coordinate transformation. You'll have much greater control this way, and won't hit the wall with anything.


Also: you have a bug in your grid drawing routine:

for (float i = 0; i < this.Height * (zoomFactor); i = i + 30*zoomFactor)

try replacing with

for (float i = 0; i < this.Height; i = i + 30*zoomFactor)
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