
I have been looking for a way to make, for example a username unique in the database with Fluent API / Code First. Is this even possible via either of these routes?

Because I can't find any tutorial or example that shows how this is done.

Foi útil?


You will have to provide a Context Initializer and override Seed method to initialize your database. There you can add an Unique Index using DbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand. Here is the sample code for the same.


public class Relay  {

    //Scalar Properties
    private int _id;
    public virtual int Id {
        get { return _id; }
        set { SetField(ref _id, value, () => Id); }

    private string _name;
    public virtual string Name {
        get { return _name; }
        set { SetField(ref _name, value, () => Name); }

    //Other properties of Model


public class RelayContext : DbContext {
     public DbSet<Relay> Relays { get; set; }

    public RelayContext(string connectionString) : 
        base(connectionString) {
        Database.SetInitializer(new RelayContextInitializer());


public class RelayContextInitializer : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<RelayContext> {
    protected override void Seed(RelayContext context) {
        context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Uix_Relay_Name ON Relays(Name)");

That's it. You have now an Unique Index created on Name field of Relays Table.

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