
when I try to use the controller/action in the jquery function for an url . I have a

NetworkError: 404 Not Found

displayed in firebug . this how I am calling in my jquery function .

 <?php $Url =Router::url(array('controller'=>'SessionModelsController','action'=>'transaction_ticker'),true); ?>
 function tick4(){
            type: "POST",
          url: '<?php echo $Url; ?>', ...

I have tried this too and it is the same problem .

>  var myBaseUrl = '<?php echo $this->Html->url('/'); ?>';
function tick4(){
        type: "POST",
        url: myBaseUrl + "SessionModelsController/transaction_ticker",

thank you.

EDIT : the problem is resolved when I Have deleted




. and have used SessionModels

Nenhuma solução correta

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