
In bouncycastle I can create a DEROctetString starting from a KeyUsage.

How can I obtain KeyUsage starting from a DEROctetString then?


DEROctetString derString = new DEROctetString(new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.digitalSignature));
KeyUsage ku = ...(some code to get back KeyUsage starting from derString)...

I need this because I'm able to create Certificate Requests with KeyUsage extension request, but then, given the Certificate Request alone, I'm not able to get back the KeyUsage extension.

Foi útil?


I've found the solution using ASN1InputStream:

ASN1InputStream ais = new ASN1InputStream(derOctetString.getOctetStream());
KeyUsage ku = new KeyUsage((DERBitString) ais.readObject());

That works!

Outras dicas

KeyUsage is defined as this in X.509,

 id-ce-keyUsage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 15 }

 KeyUsage ::= BIT STRING {
      digitalSignature        (0),
      nonRepudiation          (1),
      keyEncipherment         (2),
      dataEncipherment        (3),
      keyAgreement            (4),
      keyCertSign             (5),
      cRLSign                 (6),
      encipherOnly            (7),
      decipherOnly            (8) }

So it's wrong to create Octet String for it. If you create DERBitString, KeyUsage has a constructor for it.

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