
My input file is as below :

{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 1 0} {{Points {}}}}

{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 2 0} {{Points {}}}}

{ABC|*|XYZ:abc:def {GHI 0 22 0} {{Points {{F1 1.1} {F2 1.2} {F3 1.3} {F4 1.4}}}}}

{ABC|*|XYZ:ghi:jkl {JKL 0 372 0} {{Points {}}}}

{ABC|*|XYZ:mno:pqr {GHI 0 34 0} {{Points {}}}}

    ABC|*|XYZ:abc:pqr {GHI 0 68 0}
        {{Points {{F1 11.11} {F2 12.10} {F3 14.11} {F4 16.23}}}}

I want to extract the file into an array as below :

$array[0] = "{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 1 0} {{Points {}}}}"

$array[1] = "{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 2 0} {{Points {}}}}"

$array[2] = "{ABC|*|XYZ:abc:def {GHI 0 22 0} {{Points {{F1 1.1} {F2 1.2} {F3 1.3} {F4 1.4}}}}}"


$array[5] = "{
    ABC|*|XYZ:abc:pqr {GHI 0 68 0}
        {{Points {{F1 11.11} {F2 12.10} {F3 14.11} {F4 16.23}}}}

Which means, I need to match the first opening curly brace with its closing curly brace and extract the string in between.

I have checked the below link, but this doesnt apply to my question. Regex to get string between curly braces "{I want what's between the curly braces}"

I am trying but would really help if someone can assist me with their expertise ...

Thanks Sri ...

Foi útil?


This can certainly be done with regex at least in modern versions of Perl:

my @array = $str =~ /( \{ (?: [^{}]* | (?0) )* \} )/xg;

print join "\n" => @array;

The regex matches a curly brace block that contains either non curly brace characters, or a recursion into itself (matches nested braces)

Edit: the above code works in Perl 5.10+, for earlier versions the recursion is a bit more verbose:

my $re; $re = qr/ \{ (?: [^{}]* | (??{$re}) )* \} /x;

my @array = $str =~ /$re/xg;

Outras dicas

I second ysth's suggestion to use the Text::Balanced module. A few lines will get you on your way.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Balanced qw/extract_multiple extract_bracketed/;

my $file;
open my $fileHandle, '<', 'file.txt';

  local $/ = undef; # or use File::Slurp
  $file = <$fileHandle>;

close $fileHandle;

my @array = extract_multiple(
                               [ sub{extract_bracketed($_[0], '{}')},],

print $_,"\n" foreach @array;


{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 1 0} {{Points {}}}}
{ABC|*|DEF {GHI 0 2 0} {{Points {}}}}
{ABC|*|XYZ:abc:def {GHI 0 22 0} {{Points {{F1 1.1} {F2 1.2} {F3 1.3} {F4 1.4}}}}}
{ABC|*|XYZ:ghi:jkl {JKL 0 372 0} {{Points {}}}}
{ABC|*|XYZ:mno:pqr {GHI 0 34 0} {{Points {}}}}
    ABC|*|XYZ:abc:pqr {GHI 0 68 0}
        {{Points {{F1 11.11} {F2 12.10} {F3 14.11} {F4 16.23}}}}

You can always count braces:

my $depth = 0;
my $out = "";
my @list=();
foreach my $fr (split(/([{}])/,$data)) {
    $out .= $fr;
    if($fr eq '{') {
        $depth ++;
    elsif($fr eq '}') {
        $depth --;
        if($depth ==0) {
            $out =~ s/^.*?({.*}).*$/$1/s; # trim
            push @list, $out;
            $out = "";
print join("\n==================\n",@list);

This is old, plain Perl style (and ugly, probably).

I don't think pure regular expressions are what you want to use here (IMHO this might not even be parsable using regex).

Instead, build a small parser, similar to what's shown here: (see the answer by shotgunefx (Parson) on Nov 18, 2003 at 18:29 UTC)

UPDATE It seems it might be doable with a regex - I saw a reference to matching nested parentheses in Mastering Regular Expressions (that's available on Google Books and thus can be googled for if you don't have the book - see Chapter 5, section "Matching balanced sets of parentheses")

You're much better off using a state machine than a regex for this type of parsing.

Regular expressions are actually pretty bad for matching braces. Depending how deep you want to go, you could write a full grammar (which is a lot easier than it sounds!) for Parse::RecDescent. Or, if you just want to get the blocks, search through for opening '{' marks and closing '}', and just keep count of how many are open at any given time.

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