
I've compiled an MTS video into MP4 format using FFMPEG. The video is 2 minutes long.

I want to be able to play the video back but start at 0:15 seconds and end at 0:45 seconds. Effectively I want the playback software to only show 30 seconds of playback available. The software must be a Flash-based application for integration into HTML.

Does anyone know any software that'll do this? Thanks in advance.

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Solução 2

I found some server-side software that'll do the trick:

Available in different flavours depending what web server you're running. Allows the video to be streamed. Also lets you decice where to start and end.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    @font-face {
        font-family: Arial;

    .timeStyle {
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font-family: Arial;
        font-size: 12;

    .playPauseStyle {
        /* play button skins */
        skin: Embed('assets/control_play.png');
        downSkin: Embed('assets/control_play_blue.png');

        /* pause button skins */
        selectedUpSkin: Embed('assets/control_pause.png');
        selectedOverSkin: Embed('assets/control_pause.png');
        selectedDownSkin: Embed('assets/control_pause_blue.png');

    .stopStyle {
        skin: Embed('assets/control_stop.png');
        downSkin: Embed('assets/control_stop_blue.png');

    .controllerStyle {
        bottom: 5;
        left: 5;
        right: 5;
        paddingBottom: 5;
        paddingLeft: 5;
        paddingRight: 5;
        paddingTop: 5;
        alpha: 0;
        background-color: #000000;
        background-alpha: 0.5;


        private function showControls():void {

        private function hideControls():void {

        private function videoDisplay_playheadUpdate(evt:VideoEvent):void {
            var pTime:Date = new Date(videoDisplay.playheadTime * 1000 || 100);
            var tTime:Date = new Date(videoDisplay.totalTime * 1000);
            time.text = dateFormatter.format(pTime) + " / " + dateFormatter.format(tTime);

        private function playPauseButton_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
            if (videoDisplay.playing) {
            } else {
                videoDisplay.playheadTime=**YOUR TIME HERE**

        private function stopButton_click(evt:MouseEvent):void {

<mx:Fade id="fadeIn" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0" />
<mx:Fade id="fadeOut" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0" />

<mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter" formatString="NN:SS" />

<mx:Label text="Mouse over the VideoDisplay control below to show control buttons." />
<mx:Canvas rollOver="showControls()" rollOut="hideControls()">
    <mx:VideoDisplay id="videoDisplay" source="" autoPlay="false" playheadUpdate="videoDisplay_playheadUpdate(event)" />
    <mx:HBox id="controls" styleName="controllerStyle" alpha="0.0">
        <mx:Button id="playPauseButton" styleName="playPauseStyle" toggle="true" selected="{videoDisplay.playing}" click="playPauseButton_click(event)" />
        <mx:Button id="stopButton" styleName="stopStyle" click="stopButton_click(event)" />
        <mx:Spacer width="100%" />
        <mx:Label id="time" styleName="timeStyle" />

or see more here

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