
I have 11 text fields in my searchform. I want to let the user search select attributes and left rest blank. I would like to disable empty text fields after click Submit button. Because empty fields sends an empty string to my WFS service. Is it possible to do it ?

Also I want to notify the user if did not fill in any field.

Thanks in advance

formPanel = new GeoExt.form.FormPanel({
    ref: "formPanel",

    collapsible: true,
    width: 150,

    region: "west",
    protocol: protocol,
    {text: 'Czyść',
    width: 60,
handler: function(){
     text: "Szukaj",
        width: 70,
     handler: function() {
     //scope: formPanel
    items: [{
        xtype: "numberfield",
        name: "trans_id__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
        value: "",
        submitEmptyText: false,
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        //disabled: true,


        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "dokument__eq",
        // emptyText:"Dokument",
          cls : 'myCls',
        value: "",
        disabled: true,
       // fieldLabel: "nabywca",
            //allowBlank: false

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "data_transakcji__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
           //emptyText:"Data Transakcji",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "typ_nier__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"Typ nieruchomości",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "cena_tran__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"Cena transakcji",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "cena_1m2_dlk__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
           //emptyText:"Cena 1m2",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "pow_m2__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "sprzedawca__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"Sprzedawca",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "nabywca__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"Nabywca",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
    disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "wspx__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"WspX",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,

        xtype: "textfield",
        name: "wspy__eq",
           cls : 'myCls',
          // emptyText:"WspY",
        value: "",
        //fieldLabel: "ID",
        disabled: true,


    listeners: {
        actioncomplete: function(form, action) {
        // this listener triggers when the search request
        // is complete, the OpenLayers.Protocol.Response
        // resulting from the request is available
        // through "action.response"
            features = action.response.features;
  ;   //załadowanie zwróconego wyniku wyszukiwania do ""
  "Wynik wyszukiwania");
                vecLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Wynik wyszukiwania");


Foi útil?


You can use the field's submitValue (boolean) property to prevent it from submitting its value to the server.

You could set that as the default for all fields on your form, but then change submitValue to true if the user changes the field value and it is not empty

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