
I referred to this answer in coloring specific rows of a table in the GUI, however, I get some weird symbols instead of actual numbers present in those rows as shown below: enter image description here

This is the line of code I am using to color:

DataTable = [num2cell(handles.zRaw), num2cell(handles.pRaw), num2cell(handles.zMob),...
            num2cell(handles.PressGrubbs), num2cell(handles.PressRosner), handles.OutlCheckGRubbs,...
            handles.OutlCheckRosner, num2cell(handles.iZones), num2cell(handles.iExcessPress)];

        %# Use HTML to style these cells
        n = 1:size(DataTable, 2);
        DataTable(idx, n) = strcat('<html><span style="color: #FF0000; font-weight: bold;">',...
            DataTable(idx, n));

Additionally, I also get this warning:

Warning: Out of range or non-integer values truncated during conversion to character.

In cell.strcat at 55

In the above DataTable, variables handles.OutlCheckGRubbs and handles.OutlCheckRosner are array of strings.

Foi útil?


The issue is that your table (cell-array) contains both numeric and string data. When you use strcat it treats all its input as strings, which means that numeric data is truncated and treated as ASCII/Unicode code points. Example:

%# note that double('d')==100
>> strcat(100.6,'aaa')
ans =

The warning you see is because MATLAB really only supports the first 2^16 characters codepoints (BMP plane of UTF-16/UCS-2):

>> strcat(2^16 + 100, 'a')
Warning: Out of range or non-integer values truncated during conversion to character. 
> In strcat at 86 
ans =

What you should be doing then is to convert numbers to strings first:

>> strcat(num2str(100), 'a')
ans =


Here is an example that resembles your code. Note how numeric columns had to be converted to strings first:

%# data columns you have. Some are numeric, others are strings
col1 = rand(10,1);
col2 = repmat({'ok'},10,1);
col3 = randi(100, 10,1);

%# combine into a table cell-array (all strings)
convert = @(x) strtrim(cellstr(num2str(x)));
table = [convert(col1) col2 convert(col3)];

%# apply custom formatting to some rows
idx = rand(10,1)>0.7;
table(idx,:) = strcat('<html><span style="color: red;">', table(idx,:));

%# show uitable


One thing to note is that UITABLE displays strings left-aligned, while numbers are displayed right-aligned. So by converting numbers to strings, we get a different text alignment.

The conversion numeric->string was performed using NUM2STR. You could customize the call to specify exactly how many digits to display if you want, as in: num2str(10.01, '%.6f')


In response to comment, here is one way to assign different colors:

idx = [1 4 5 9];
clr = {'red'; 'green'; 'rgb(0,0,255)'; '#FF00FF'};
table(idx,:) = strcat('<html><span style="color: ', ...
    clr(:,ones(1,size(table,2))), ...
    ';">', table(idx,:));

For simplicity, I assume 4 colors matching 4 rows.

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