
I am using cinch framework v1. I have exposed a public property ( CurrentSuppier )and binded that property to the selecteditem of my combo box .. after I update the , the combobox display doesn't change to the current value of the supplier .. below is some code snippets..

/// <summary>
    /// Current Supplier Record
    /// </summary>
    static PropertyChangedEventArgs currentsupplierChangeArgs =
        ObservableHelper.CreateArgs<IncomingViewModel>(x => x.CurrentSupplier);

    public SupplierModel  CurrentSupplier
        get { return currentsupplier ; }
            currentsupplier = value;




  <ComboBox Margin="345,8,542,0" Name="cbosupplier" Height="23" VerticalAlignment="Top" 
          ItemTemplate="{StaticResource SupplierTemplate}" 
          ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ListofSupplier}"     
          Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.RowSpan="2"
          SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentSupplier ,Mode = TwoWay}"  

I tried binding the CurrentSupplier to a TextBox just to see if the binds works .. and it does .. the textbox gets updated with the current value of my CurrentSupplier property .. but it wont work on the combobox ..

Nenhuma solução correta

Outras dicas

There is a difference between SelectedItem and SelectedValue.

Have you tried to use SelectedValue instead?

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