
I am sending notifications from server side to apns server,i was facing a small problem while handling badge,my badge number should be reduced if user has seen the notification in notification center, if app is already running no need of badge i think so, but always my badge number is "1"

from my server side i am sending badge="1".how to inform to server my app has particular badge number, how to know my badge number.

        - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
UIApplicationState state = [application applicationState];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:1];
if (state == UIApplicationStateActive) {
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication]setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:0];

    NSString *message = [[userInfo valueForKey:@"aps"] valueForKey:@"alert"];
    UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@""
                                              otherButtonTitles: nil];
    [alertView show];
    [alertView release];



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Usually in all apps, the unread notification counts are maintained in the server. When the server sends a push notification to a particular device token server sends the badge count along with the payload.

Your server logic needs to keep track of the proper badge count and send it appropriately.

    "aps" :  
        "alert" : "Your notification message",
        "badge" : badgecount ,
        "sound" : "bingbong.aiff"

and instead in your code [[UIApplication sharedApplication]setApplicationIconBadgeNumber:1]; use

badge_value+=[[[userInfo objectForKey:@"aps"] objectForKey:@"badge"]intValue];
    [UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber = badge_value;

where, badge_value is an integer that stores the badge value.

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