
I ve connected my mobile phone to my PC and used this,

string[] lPorts = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames();

and the result was an array of port names


Now,How to find which serial port is currently used/to which port my mobile phone is connected in c#?

Foi útil?


Obviously you will need to know the serial protocol being used to communicate. Just send a known command to each port and check back for the expected response. Ports with no device on them will timeout/throw an IOException.

Or you if you don't want to do this through code you can try the same using HyperTerminal or another serial terminal program.

Try something like following: (Please note I am writing this from memory and don't guarantee this will compile/that I have the method names 100% right, but it gives the general idea).

foreach(string portname in SerialPort.GetPortNames())
    // Use your connection settings - own baud rate etc
    SerialPort sp = new SerialPort(portname,4800, Parity.Odd, 8, StopBits.One); 
         sp.Write("Your known command to phone");
         string received = sp.ReadLine();

         if(received == "expected response")
              Console.WriteLine("Phone connected to: " + portname);
         Console.WriteLine("Phone NOT connected to: " + portname);
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