
I have this ADOQuery:

SQL.Text := 'SELECT samAccountName FROM ''GC://' + sADForestName + ''' ' +
            'WHERE objectCategory=''user'' ' +
              'AND distinguishedName=''' + sADUserName + ''' ' +
              'AND memberOf=''' + sADGroupName + '''';

And this is work fine to get group for user, but I need also check nested groups using LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN:

SQL.Text := 'SELECT samAccountName FROM ''GC://' + sADForestName + ''' ' +
            'WHERE objectCategory=''user'' ' +
              'AND distinguishedName=''' + sADUserName + ''' ' +
              'AND memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=''' + sADGroupName + '''';

But this request does not executed, I'm got error when calling ADOQuery.Open; (translated from Russian): "There was one or more errors while processing the command"

This is my error with request?

Foi útil?


Thank you all guys, I found decision using ADOCommand:

var ADOConnection, ADOCmd, Res: Variant;

    ADOConnection := CreateOleObject('ADODB.Connection');
    ADOCmd := CreateOleObject('ADODB.Command');
      ADOConnection.Provider := 'ADsDSOObject';
      ADOConnection.Open('Active Directory Provider');
      ADOCmd.ActiveConnection := ADOConnection;
      ADOCmd.Properties('Page Size')     := 100;
      ADOCmd.Properties('Timeout')       := 30;
      ADOCmd.Properties('Cache Results') := False;

      sBase       := '<GC://' + sADForestName+ '>';
      sFilter     := '(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)' +
                       '(distinguishedName=' + sADUserName + ')' +
                       '(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=' + sADGroupName + '))';
      sAttributes := 'sAMAccountName';

      ADOCmd.CommandText := sBase + ';' + sFilter + ';' + sAttributes + ';subtree';
      Res := AdoCmd.Execute;

      if Res.EOF then User := ''
                 else User := Res.Fields[0].Value;
      ADOCmd := NULL;
      ADOConnection := NULL;
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