
In the gensim library, there is a MmReader class that converts a matrix market format file into a python object. Sometimes it is necessary to transpose the matrix, hence the transposed parameter was introduced in the MmReader.

However, I am confused about why is it that at lines 525-526 and 567-568 of https://github.com/piskvorky/gensim/blob/develop/gensim/matutils.py , the inversion of term-document values and id happens when transposed == False.

Anyone familiar with term-document matrices in information retrieval care to enlighten me?

class MmReader(object):
    Wrap a term-document matrix on disk (in matrix-market format), and present it
    as an object which supports iteration over the rows (~documents).

    Note that the file is read into memory one document at a time, not the whole
    matrix at once (unlike scipy.io.mmread). This allows us to process corpora
    which are larger than the available RAM.
    def __init__(self, input, transposed=True):
        Initialize the matrix reader.

        The `input` refers to a file on local filesystem, which is expected to
        be in the sparse (coordinate) Matrix Market format. Documents are assumed
        to be rows of the matrix (and document features are columns).

        `input` is either a string (file path) or a file-like object that supports
        `seek()` (e.g. gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File).
        logger.info("initializing corpus reader from %s" % input)
        self.input, self.transposed = input, transposed
        if isinstance(input, basestring):
            input = open(input)
        header = input.next().strip()
        if not header.lower().startswith('%%matrixmarket matrix coordinate real general'):
            raise ValueError("File %s not in Matrix Market format with coordinate real general; instead found: \n%s" %
                             (self.input, header))
        self.num_docs = self.num_terms = self.num_nnz = 0
        for lineno, line in enumerate(input):
            if not line.startswith('%'):
                self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz = map(int, line.split())
                if not self.transposed: ## line 525
                    self.num_docs, self.num_terms = self.num_terms, self.num_docs
        logger.info("accepted corpus with %i documents, %i features, %i non-zero entries" %
                     (self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz))

    def __len__(self):
        return self.num_docs

    def __str__(self):
        return ("MmCorpus(%i documents, %i features, %i non-zero entries)" %
                (self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz))

    def skip_headers(self, input_file):
        Skip file headers that appear before the first document.
        for line in input_file:
            if line.startswith('%'):

    def __iter__(self):
        Iteratively yield vectors from the underlying file, in the format (row_no, vector),
        where vector is a list of (col_no, value) 2-tuples.

        Note that the total number of vectors returned is always equal to the
        number of rows specified in the header; empty documents are inserted and
        yielded where appropriate, even if they are not explicitly stored in the
        Matrix Market file.
        if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
            fin = open(self.input)
            fin = self.input

        previd = -1
        for line in fin:
            docid, termid, val = line.split()
            if not self.transposed:
                termid, docid = docid, termid
            docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(val) # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
            assert previd <= docid, "matrix columns must come in ascending order"
            if docid != previd:
                # change of document: return the document read so far (its id is prevId)
                if previd >= 0:
                    yield previd, document

                # return implicit (empty) documents between previous id and new id
                # too, to keep consistent document numbering and corpus length
                for previd in xrange(previd + 1, docid):
                    yield previd, []

                # from now on start adding fields to a new document, with a new id
                previd = docid
                document = []

            document.append((termid, val,)) # add another field to the current document

        # handle the last document, as a special case
        if previd >= 0:
            yield previd, document

        # return empty documents between the last explicit document and the number
        # of documents as specified in the header
        for previd in xrange(previd + 1, self.num_docs):
            yield previd, []

    def docbyoffset(self, offset):
        """Return document at file offset `offset` (in bytes)"""
        # empty documents are not stored explicitly in MM format, so the index marks
        # them with a special offset, -1.
        if offset == -1:
            return []
        if isinstance(self.input, basestring):
            fin = open(self.input)
            fin = self.input

        fin.seek(offset) # works for gzip/bz2 input, too
        previd, document = -1, []
        for line in fin:
            docid, termid, val = line.split()
            if not self.transposed: ## line 567
                termid, docid = docid, termid
            docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(val) # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
            assert previd <= docid, "matrix columns must come in ascending order"
            if docid != previd:
                if previd >= 0:
                    return document
                previd = docid

            document.append((termid, val,)) # add another field to the current document
        return document
#endclass MmReader
Это было полезно?


Apparently, the transposed parameter is never used in the latest version of gensim where the format of the mmreader and mmwriter is the same.

For more details, the developer explained in https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/gensim/XC7Q_q3WcyQ

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