
I have just started trying out micro libraries instead of using jQuery and I'd like to use qwery with bean. If I set bean.setSelectorEngine(qwery); why does the following not work?

bean.on('.masthead', 'click', function () {
    console.log('click fired');

I am also using bonzo for DOM utility, so I have set it to use the dollar along with qwery so I can select elements in a jQuery-like fashion: e.g. $('.masthead').

function $(selector) {
    return bonzo(qwery(selector));

This also does not work. Should I not be able to use the following with bean?

bean.on($('.masthead'), 'click', function () {
    console.log('click fired');

Perhaps I have missed something important in the bean documentation.. What do I need to do to fix this?

Also, I am trying to avoid using Ender if at all possible, I am trying to keep my external libraries down to a minimum.

Это было полезно?


Yes, you can use all those libraries together without Ender. But you are going to have to wire up all the connections between those libraries yourself.

This should get you started:

// make Bean and Bonzo use Qwery 
// as their internal selector engine 

// to use $ instead of bonzo
function $(selector, root) {
    return bonzo(qwery(selector, root));

// $() will return a bonzo object
// so if you want to be able to use 
// bean's methods on the bonzo object 
// like $().on()
// you are going to have to extend bonzo
  on: function (eventName, callback) {
    return this.each(function (elem) {
        return bean.on(elem, eventName, callback);

  // do the same for bean's other methods (fire, off, etc)

// now you should be able to do this:
$('.masthead').on('click', function () {
    console.log('click fired');

Hope that helps! :)

Другие советы

Just to chime in, I took @Johnny's example above and made it a little more generic as I had the same problem. This example is in CoffeeScript + Underscore-Contrib, but the general idea is that you don't need to wrap every Bean function by hand, you can do it in a loop by manipulating the arguments:

  # Setup Qwery/Bonzo
  window.$ = (selector, root) ->
    bonzo qwery(selector, root)

  # Glue Bean event handling into Bonzo/Qwery
  events =
    clone : ->
      args = _.toArray arguments
      bean.clone.apply null, args

  _.each ['on','one','off','fire'], (ev) ->
    events[ev] = ->
      args = _.toArray arguments
      this.each (elem) ->
        bean[ev].apply null, _.cons(elem, args)

  bonzo.aug events

Hope it helps someone in the future.

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