
I'm building a python script that will allow me to open a Excel 2010 worksheet and print it out.

I got most of the way

import win32com.client

office = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
wb = office.Workbooks.Open(r"path\to\excel\file\to\print.xlsm")

count = wb.Sheets.Count
for i in range(count):
    ws = wb.Worksheets[i]

    pivotCount = ws.PivotTables().Count
    for j in range(1, pivotCount+1):
        #TODO code to refresh each pivot table

    print "Worksheet: %s - has been sent to the printer" % (ws.Name)

As you can see I'm still missing the refreshing of the pivot tables in the worksheet.

The VBA code for refreshing is:


I can't seem to break the code into python win32com syntax. The closest I got is:


which gives <bound method CDispatch.Refresh of <COMObject PivotCache>> but no result in the the worksheet.

Это было полезно?


I found my problem. I had a protection on the worksheet. Here is the solution:

import win32com.client

office = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
wb = office.Workbooks.Open(r"path\to\excel\file\to\print.xlsm")

count = wb.Sheets.Count
for i in range(count):
    ws = wb.Worksheets[i]
    ws.Unprotect() # IF protected

    pivotCount = ws.PivotTables().Count
    for j in range(1, pivotCount+1):

    # Put protection back on
    ws.Protect(DrawingObjects=True, Contents=True, Scenarios=True, AllowUsingPivotTables=True)

    print "Worksheet: %s - has been sent to the printer" % (ws.Name)
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