
I'm looking for a way to take advantage of the new PostgreSQL JSON operators in Phalcon Framework.

A simple table to demonstrate:

  id_user serial NOT NULL,
  data json,
  CONSTRAINT pk_user PRIMARY KEY (id_user)

and a query which runs fine in psql:

select * from "user" where data->>'email' = 'john@example.com';

However when used against the Phalcon model:

$users = UserModel::query()
            ->where("data->>'email' = :email:")
            ->bind(['email' => 'john@example.com'])

it produces syntax error:

ERROR: Syntax error, unexpected token >, near to '>'email' = :email:', when parsing: SELECT [Pht\Cli\Model\UserModel].* FROM [Pht\Cli\Model\UserModel] WHERE data->>'email' = :email:

I'm guessing that it has something to do with the PHQL parser not being able to process the syntax. But the question remains: how to use JSON query with Phalcon?

I've tried to wrap the JSON syntax into a Db\RawValue:

$users = UserModel::query()
            ->where(new RawValue("data->>'email' = 'john@example.com'"))

but it seems like it was made only for updating/inserting:

ERROR: Conditions must be string

I can always write a raw query, but that's obviously not the way to go. Also it would be nice to have the syntax available in Model::find and Model::findAll.

Это было полезно?

Решение 3

After a bit of digging into the source code and reading the forums I found a quite good workaround based on this forum post. The basic idea is to use custom database function syntax, catch and parse a special virtual function before executing the query:

UserModel::query()->where("PG_JSON_PATH(\"data->>'email'\") = :email:");

For this to work we need a specialized Postgres adapter (the one below also uses this hack to sneak in sub queries as in the original post):

class Postgresql93 extends \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql
    public function query($sqlStatement, $bindParams = null, $bindTypes = null)
        $sqlStatement = $this->handle93syntax($sqlStatement);
        return parent::query($sqlStatement, $bindParams, $bindTypes);

    private function handle93syntax($sqlStatement)
        $specials = join('|', ['SUB_QUERY', 'PG_JSON_PATH']);
        $pattern = "/($specials)[\\s]*\\([\\s]*\\'(.*)\\'[\\s]*\\)/";

        $sqlStatement = preg_replace_callback(
            function(array $matches){
                $content = str_replace("''", "'", $matches[2]);
                return $content;

        return $sqlStatement;

Другие советы

For now you can use built-in postgres function json_extract_path_text:

UserModel::query()->where("json_extract_path_text(data, 'email') = :email:");

See if there's an underlying function implementing the ->> operator, and use that instead. You can look up pg_operator for the oprname of ->> ; there you'll see the oprcode identifying the underlying function. There may be multiple entries for different combinations of data types, so you'll have to select the correct one. You can join oprleft and oprright on pg_type to get type names if you need to.

That'll give you a temporary workaround. A better approach would be to avoid trying to parse SQL in your framework, or fixing its parser to deal with complex operators.

As per Craig answer, You can execute this query on Postgres to find the operator you are looking for and the equivalent oprcode to use in your query: For example: SELECT oprcode FROM pg_operator WHERE oprname = '->>';

You will get many results, use the appropriate one.


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